Tuesday, June 19, 2018


       Yesterday, 6/18/2018,  while having at lunch at Taylor's Maid Rite, I sat next to a couple from Baxter, Iowa. I then, had to mention that I was from Laurel and we had been old high school  football rivals. 

       He preceded to tell me that he graduated from Baxter in 1959 and mentioned lots of Laurel Alumni, including Paul Mann, Johnny  Smith, & Larry Laverty. He continued by saying that a couple of years after he graduated, Baxter was not only undefeated, but, "UNSCORED" upon until Laurel played them that year. He continued by saying that Laurel scored just "ONE" touchdown to ruin their whole season and perfect record. 

          I just gave him my best grin and asked him who scored that ONLY touchdown? He shook his head as if he didn't know. I simply pointed at myself--with pride! You're looking at him! 

I always felt bad for many years that we lost that game and that I was the only person to score that night. But, when I found out that only TD actually ruined their season, I was elated for good Ol' Laurel High!Go Hornets! 

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