Sunday, June 24, 2018



**       Spotting a lonely red fox running west of our farm buildings and thinking that it probably would be extinct soon as it was the only one I had ever seen.

**     Spending secluded time down in the "Ditch" in the northwest corner of our farm which was a small creek with a fairly tall -7 foot ravine. It was a cool retreat!

**       Sitting in our attic atop our big farm home and viewing Christmas lights on the Jasper County Courthouse 20 miles away in Newton, Iowa.

**      The look of sadness of my mom's face when she arrived home from the hospital after the passing of my Dad.

**        Paddling around on a hot summer day in my "undies" with cousin Alan at  family pond.

**       A game of many Chinese Checkers in the dining room with mom on a cold "snowed in" winter day.

**      After spending time atop our barn, almost falling off  head first after tripping on a raised nail, bot, also being saved by another nail! 

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