Sunday, June 17, 2018


      This past week while attending the Cubs/Brewers baseball game in Milwaukee, there was no doubt in my mind that I had to have a Brat while at Miller Park. That wasn't always the case!

       There was a time in the late 1970's while attending an Iowa Hawkeye/ Wisconsin Badger football game in Madison, looking forward to a Brat quickly changed.  It seemed that there were Brat stands every block near the stadium. And, with the help of a little alcohol, those Brats even looked and tasted better. Well, I had too many of a good thing and I'll let you guess the rest. 

            It was many many years until I could look a Brat in the eye. Even at tailgating at the Hawkeye football games, I would bring along a package of hot dogs--just for me. I'm still not a big fan of a Brat or Polish, but, would rather have a all beef hot dog with all the trimmings including sauerkraut and especially the "Chicago" style! Yum!  

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