Tuesday, June 12, 2018


        This past Saturday, my sister, Doris, Laurel class-mate, Jerry Roberts, and I paid a visit to Bob Baker in Newton, Iowa in his new assisted living residence just north of the downtown area.

           One thing that Jerry and I noticed and commented on was all the attention Bob was getting from female employees and female residents. It was Hi, Bob here and Hi, Bob there! You would think he was some kind of real celebrity. Although, Bob does look like he could be a member of the Old Rock group--ZZ Top--with his long white beard and all. 

           I mentioned to Jerry that maybe I have been looking at the possibility of having to go to a nursing home some day in the wrong way! It is a fact that women outlast men and that the ratio of women to men is slanted in their favor. If Bob is any indication or barometer, then maybe I have been looking at the possibility of the "Home" from the wrong viewpoint. Maybe, I could handle Hi, Dennis here and Hi, Dennis there!  

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