Thursday, June 14, 2018


       One thing I knew, when I attended the Cubs vs. Brewers baseball game on June 13th, 2018, was what I would have to eat while there. First of all how could you not have a Brat while in Milwaukee or Wisconsin for that matter--"Ya, You Betcha, Ya!" And, with a topping of sauerkraut, onion, and mustard all the  while standing behind my section 215 before the start of the game.

        Then, it hit me next! Just before the game started, I walked back up to the concession area and bought a big bag of Fisher's dry roasted, salted in-shell peanuts. For me, no baseball game is complete without eating them, sucking the salt off the shells before breaking them open with your teeth and then making that mess all around your feet with peanut shells. I'm still feeling sorry for the poor soul who has to clean up after me!  

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