Friday, June 22, 2018


       This year, it has seemed to me, that corn is growing much faster than years past. I do get out into the country quite a bit and especially driving between Williamsburg, Iowa and Marshalltown, Iowa. 
       We know that each year the hybrids get better, each year is different with adequate rainfall, sun, and humidity. But, despite all that, the corn crop is way ahead of schedule going into the 4th of July in another week plus. 

          This AM I was driving back from Blairstown via Marengo and found a drive into a corn field just south of Marengo and pulled in to check it out. Keep in mind I'm only 5'8" and diminishing, but, I was looking up at a stock. And, taking a leaf and stretching it out, it had to be near 7' tall. Will see the day when they will be picking this stuff by Labor Day?

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