Monday, June 11, 2018


       It came to me while visiting with old classmate Bob Baker and Jerry Roberts in Newton, Iowa after the Laurel School Re-Union held earlier that afternoon. Keep in mind my mind works differently than most and slanted with a little humor in mind, sometimes very little.

         Jerry asked me what I thought the theme should be for next year's re-union and the old Bee Gee's tune Stayin' Alive  immediately came to mind. Remember that old Disco hit from the 1970's. I loved that song and for some reason it just popped into my head.

          Jerry thought it would be a good idea to be playing the song during the time before we sat down to eat. 

"And we're stayin' alive stayin' alive ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive!"

        Well, I'm 74 and the second to last class of 1973 to have graduated from Laurel Consolidated School. No doubt about it. We are all up there in age, and, if you can't laugh a little at yourself well then----!

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