Sunday, June 17, 2018


        While sitting in the hot tub this past week at the Americinn this past week and watching young kids playing in the swimming pool. I was reminded time spent with my own grand-kids in a pool.

           This same Americinn motel that I stayed in at Elkhorn, Wisconsin had a motel with pool in Marshalltown, Iowa. What was great was that for a $3.00 fee I could take my grand-kids to this pool, especially in winter, when they came to visit Grandpa.

               It was the best deal going for entertaining family in 10 states. What was amazing was that it had no bells and whistles like the huge theme park pools and yet we always found ways to have fun for 2 or 3 hours and not asking for any refreshments.

            I had several pool games that I came up with, but, one favorite was the "Bucking Bronco" game and it was requested over and over. I would simply put a grand-kid on my back and then he or she would pretend to insert a quarter in the back of my neck. 

          Then, I would start to twist and turn and attempt to buck them off and into the water. And, just in case I(the Bronco) couldn't get them off my back, the old Bronco had the ability to "Tickle!" Usually that did the trick. Off they went!

      Another fun game and mainly with my grand-daughters, was playing "Jaws!" I would be the shark and I would start humming the sound of the shark coming--Da-Dum, Da-Dum, Da-Dum! Of course, the girls would scream and giggle until getting out of the pool with the shark almost, but, not quite "getting" their foot! Fun!  


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