Sunday, June 24, 2018



**        Straddling the peak of the barn near sunset and just gazing for miles in all directions and just thinking thoughts!

**       Lying in bed at night after my dad's passing and not comprehending he will never be again.

**       Building roads in the soft dirt of the floor in our machine shed with my Tonka line-up. 

**        Roasting a hot-dog on a bonfire after helping with the clean-up of the grove to the north of our farm home.

**       While in bed at night, enjoying that fresh clean smell of my sheets after blowing dry that day on our outdoor clothes-line.

**        At the same time, while snuggling in those fresh sheets, enjoying a fresh southern breeze through my open window and  small half portable screen.

**       Bringing up the old heavy storms from the basement on a sunny and crisp Fall day, and cleaning them while listening to  Iowa Hawkeyes football on my blue leatherette portable radio.

----------------to be continued with much more.

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