Saturday, June 30, 2018


They left the baby for their youthful adventures
when she was six months old
in the capable hands of her Grandparents
who already had six children.

The Grandmother working along side her husband
on the farm chopping off heads of chickens
steaming plucking cleaning frying
baking bread hanging clothes on the line
stooping in the garden tending animals
always having time for children
carry and hug fill them with love
watch their plays kiss their wounds
understanding accepting stearn and forgiving
the warmth of sunshine in her smile

The Grandfather stoic steady 
an educated man in farm country
graduated from high school
love buried in his heart with a shell
thick as a cow pie dried in the sun for days
you knew he was happy when
you heard him whistling
animal control administrator birth the pigs and calves
drown the extra kittens and puppies in the pump house
smack your backside as you ran in the door
let you know who's boss at the dinner table
his sense of humor "Pass the potato, spud"
children should speak when spoken to 
let the women handle the loving care
then his age-mellowed heart finally giving a hug.

The parents became visitors
in the big country house
like Fitzgerald and Zelda they would roll up the drive
in new shiny  cars and stylish clothes from someplace
far away
someone special the child guessed
the way everyone fluttered around 
Mommy Iris and Daddy Fred they said.

Daddy Fred always bearing gifts doing a song
a dance magic tricks and jokes for the kids
hunting and chores with the men
cooking with the women
Clark Gable in an apron.

Mommy Iris always beautiful in silk blouses 
smelling like expensive perfume and cigarettes
best woman of the year 
serene and gentle with a soft lilting voice
not allowed to touch the baby much
"let your Mother do that," he said.

The grandmother said the baby couldn't go to sleep
without a music box
the soft lilting tunes like laughter in the rain
The grandmother said she got letters from Florida tear-stained
pleading "Don't touch her to walk don't teach her
to talk or cut her hair I want to do that 
when I come back."
he promised her they would soon 
as soon as he got famous soon as he got his next job
soon as they got ahead

Even the grandmother couldn't stop the baby from growing up
in love with the high climbing trees pastures with muddy ponds
orchards of apples plums and pears the stonehouse
full of bushel baskets and pungent damp aromas
digging in the earth for fresh vegetables
rain barrels tree houses and tire swings a menagerie of animals
dear aunts and uncles playmates storytellers
running always running
loving the feel of the wind through her hair 

Daddy Fred's dreams still unrealized 
business schemes bulged his pockets
he had to make his promise good
Mommy Iris finally got her baby back
a six-year-old-free-spirited-country-child
in a city apartment homesick
bordering on all out rebellion
little sympathy for unrequited Mother love.

Her new adventures shopping lots of dresses shiny shoes
big department stores dancing lessons city parks
unpronouncable foods in fancy restaurants 
pretty colored lights and bands that people danced to 
pretty people all in Sunday clothes
new public manners to learn
lady ways and lady words
kicking leaves on the way home from school dawdling
looking for a high climbing tree a place to run
so many city rules
come right home don't dawdle don't stray don't don't

Daddy Fred appearing in daylight occasionally
like an actor auditioning for his performance
singing Frank Sinatra songs
teaching her to dance the soft shoe
and sing Cowboy Joe
a disappearing act as well
Mommy Iris gazing out the window waiting watching
still and silent as a stone.

Mommy Iris always beautiful  in silk blouses
smelling like expensive perfume and cigarettes
best dressed woman of the year
serene and gentle with a soft lilting voice
woke her for school with laughter and a song
worked nights dressed up in business suits
keeping all the diners happy in the softly lit
dining room.

On Mommy Iris's day off work
they had lady lunches and movies
letting her daughter choose her funny ones
swinging in the park miniature golf
swimming in a blue city pool
she watched Mommy Iris loving her laughter
Mommy Iris watched her loving her
wondering at her growth trying to catch up 
on all that she'd missed 

The sickness came 
too soon
in their short time together
hospital rooms sterile gowns
sterile smells 
long hours filled with books puzzles
and short visits with Mommy Iris
her lilting voice
her laughter in the rain
serene and gentle
and then she was gone
she didn't go to Florida this time
and she wasn't coming back.

Back in her high climbing trees
green pastures and orchards
running with the wind in her hair
as it whispered her name in a soft lilting voice
like a music box with a ballerina on top
going round and round.

Penelope Iris Nigh


Friday, June 29, 2018


        While finishing up a window job this AM, 6/29/18, I learned while visiting with the owner that they were moving to]Johnston, Iowa to be closer to a son and four year old grand-son. She also mentioned that she will be selling several antique pieces along with several "quilts" that she has acquired through the years mostly from family. My ears picked up!

       Before I knew it, she was bringing down to me in her living room about six lovely quilts of which two I was interested in. I had mentioned that by Fall I want to get more involved in  "collectibles" including quilts which I have extreme fondness for. It started  years ago acquiring family quilts from both my grandmothers and mother. 

           One in particular that I liked and thought extremely cool in age, deign and color combinations was really calling me load and clear. She mentioned the price she would be asking after consulting a lady at our local Fabric Shop who is somewhat of an expert on quilts. 

         The "retail" price seemed quite reasonable and I was tempted to blurt out "SOLD!" I kept my mouth shut and asked her to at least give me until the 9th of  July to give her my answer. My big decision is letting this be my first big test in buying a quilt I personally like, but, am purchasing with he intent of making a profit when selling. 

          At least I have time to think it through and hopefully I won't cave if I do end up offering her less and then sticking to my guns. I may just try and will on most all transactions the old CASH offer approach. Stay tuned on my new adventure!   

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


       This morning, Wednesday 27, 2018, I was out for my morning power walk near the Williamsburg High School. A big group of high school girls were headed out for their daily run as part of track and/or cross country.

         One young lady, somewhere in the middle of the pack, yelled, "Hi Dennis!" I wasn't sure who it was, but, she made my day by recognizing and acknowledging me out load! Thank you! Again, you made my day much brighter!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


        During the past month, I lost a very good retail window customer due to concern of on-line competition and just being cautious for a time. I never like to lose business anytime, but, knew my only option was to do whatever it took to replace that lost business.

         Today, I had a call from a businessman in nearby Marengo, who saw my card ??? and wants me to cleans window fronts on two buildings that he owns and involves 6 individual store fronts plus windows in the rear of the buildings.  It will be 3X what I just recently lost there! The window opens wider than that door closing-- sometimes!


       Recently, Fuller Brush has been running a series of TV commercials on a window cleaning product called "Full Crystal."  You put these crystals in a container, attach it to a hose and clean away. Right! 

         What I really noticed was the guy doing the demonstrating. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white long sleeve shirt with a necktie, and a leather vest. My question is who wears that kind of outfit washing windows or doing anything for that matter!

Sunday, June 24, 2018


        This afternoon I was bored and decided that, even though, there were no movies on the big screen that interested me, I would give the latest Jurasic World movie a go! After all, it has already grossed over 700 million world wide. 

         So a way I went to Coralville, Iowa, and caught the 3:45 non 3-D version and paid the non-AM price of $8.00 even for a Senior. About an hour or less into the flick I knew I had made a big mistake. Maybe I have just outgrown dinosaurs, I don't know. Or maybe too much noise and too much predictable action with the heroes always getting away from trouble just in the nick of time and in a ridiculous situation.  

          I couldn't take any more and walked out with probably 45 minutes to an hour left. Last week, I did stay for all of the movie "Heredity" as it was billed as the scariest movie EVER! Ha! I don't think my heart ever skipped a beat or my blood pressure moved upward one notch. I think I've seen so many really scary movies that I've become numb. After all, how can you beat Psycho or the Birds. Those were scary! 
          Then, the type of movie I want to see like "Gotti" the Mob movie, has been held up over some type of dispute concerning the distributors. Just when one movie out of 20 comes around to my liking, there's a glitch! I hate to think that all that's left is Netflix, a really big screen TV and a
 leather padded Laz-E-Boy at home! PHOOEY! 



**       Spotting a lonely red fox running west of our farm buildings and thinking that it probably would be extinct soon as it was the only one I had ever seen.

**     Spending secluded time down in the "Ditch" in the northwest corner of our farm which was a small creek with a fairly tall -7 foot ravine. It was a cool retreat!

**       Sitting in our attic atop our big farm home and viewing Christmas lights on the Jasper County Courthouse 20 miles away in Newton, Iowa.

**      The look of sadness of my mom's face when she arrived home from the hospital after the passing of my Dad.

**        Paddling around on a hot summer day in my "undies" with cousin Alan at  family pond.

**       A game of many Chinese Checkers in the dining room with mom on a cold "snowed in" winter day.

**      After spending time atop our barn, almost falling off  head first after tripping on a raised nail, bot, also being saved by another nail! 



**       Feeling the hair on my back rise every time I opened that "Door" to the coal room in our basement and not knowing what I scary thing I would be facing!

**      Just sitting and observing the feeder calves I helped raise in the feed lot and thinking that their faces were all different just like us!

**        The sad feeling that came over me when my 4-H calves were taken away after the County Fair Contest.

**       Just crawling through my "Secret Hide-Out" (a concrete 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 culvert that ran under the road a quarter mile south of our farm home and that couldn't be seen from road.) Even the Russians wouldn't have found me!

**       Playing with my closest neighbor kid Karen and having her get in a huff and threatening to never come back after playing who knows what . She always came back!

**       Crashing an old Schwinn 5 speed bike with no workable brakes into an old pile of concrete pieces down a ditch at a neighbor's home after careening off an old Combine and missing a barb wire fence. Luckily, only suffering a deep cut on my upper left arm.

**       Building a portable homemade pen after obtaining, I know not how, three small ducks that I appropriately called Huey, Dewey, and Louie. No we did not eat them!     



**        Straddling the peak of the barn near sunset and just gazing for miles in all directions and just thinking thoughts!

**       Lying in bed at night after my dad's passing and not comprehending he will never be again.

**       Building roads in the soft dirt of the floor in our machine shed with my Tonka line-up. 

**        Roasting a hot-dog on a bonfire after helping with the clean-up of the grove to the north of our farm home.

**       While in bed at night, enjoying that fresh clean smell of my sheets after blowing dry that day on our outdoor clothes-line.

**        At the same time, while snuggling in those fresh sheets, enjoying a fresh southern breeze through my open window and  small half portable screen.

**       Bringing up the old heavy storms from the basement on a sunny and crisp Fall day, and cleaning them while listening to  Iowa Hawkeyes football on my blue leatherette portable radio.

----------------to be continued with much more.



         Yesterday, Saturday, June 23, 2018, I was able to accomplish three things on a pleasant early Summer day. First, I drove to Urbandale, Iowa from Williamsburg, Iowa, to meet up with long time friend and Laurel classmate,  for a long overdue lunch at my favorite fast food eatery--Tasty Taco's, the one located at 86th and Hickman. Y-u-um!

        Then, I was off and up I-35 to Sheffield, Iowa, to attend a political rally for Shannon Latham who is running for State Senate. Shannon is the daughter-in-law of Linda Laverty Latham, my first cousin, a Laurel native and now residing in Urbandale, Iowa.  One reason I wanted to attend this event, besides showing support for a family en-devour, I had never driven to or around this area---Sheffield, Alexander.

          Most importantly, I just love driving and taking in any scenic beauty and especially this time of year in Iowa. This northern Iowa area is relatively flat, to say the least, but, to see all that green as far as the eye could see was magnificent. 

          On the return home, I am always impressed with the beauty of the bluffs/cliffs along the Iowa River going through Iowa Falls. And, a little south and east along highway 20 there is a bridge crossing of the Iowa River that is breathtaking if only able to glance at the treed bluffs to the left and right  for only a few seconds. 

            I was so happy to be able to get off my duff, get in my auto, and take a spin around this State with all the beauty and color it has to offer this time of year. Try it sometime--you'll like it!



Saturday, June 23, 2018


**        My first memory of anything is riding my old tricycle on the sidewalk in front of our farm home. I believe, the tricycle had been my older sisters. The sidewalk wrapped around three sides of the house plus extending west some distance. 

**         Be awaken by my mother while sleeping in the back seat of our car after coming back home from a trip to Marshalltown. Only wanting to be left alone and continue sleeping in the car.

**         At a very young age, mowing our huge yard with a self-propelled "Reel" type lawn mower. It took, it seemed, most of the day to mow it all.

**         On the first day of school in kindergarten, sitting with classmates Jerry Roberts and Bob Baker and crying like babies.

**         Sitting inside the "igloo" I dug out from a huge snow drift and enjoying the sheer silence within.

**         Putting away neatly my toy trucks and cars in a lower southeast cabinet in our kitchen.

**         Braced and sitting up in a Mulberry tree located just north of our corn crib and enjoying those sweet purple morsels. 

----------------------------to be continued. 


         It was reported in USA Today that The new IBM Summit supercomputer is the world's smartest and most powerful, capable of 200,000 trillion calculations per second. WOW!

Friday, June 22, 2018


          I will be devoting a few days or until I run out of memories from my younger "boyhood" days that I have of times when I was alone--generally playing or roaming my farm home south of Laurel, Iowa during the 1950's. 

           It is primarily for my own benefit and just documenting those "snapshots" of memories/ times that have stayed with me throughout my lifetime. If you do follow some of these special moments with me, I hope that it triggers your own personal treasure of times gone by!

-----------------stay tuned. 


       This year, it has seemed to me, that corn is growing much faster than years past. I do get out into the country quite a bit and especially driving between Williamsburg, Iowa and Marshalltown, Iowa. 
       We know that each year the hybrids get better, each year is different with adequate rainfall, sun, and humidity. But, despite all that, the corn crop is way ahead of schedule going into the 4th of July in another week plus. 

          This AM I was driving back from Blairstown via Marengo and found a drive into a corn field just south of Marengo and pulled in to check it out. Keep in mind I'm only 5'8" and diminishing, but, I was looking up at a stock. And, taking a leaf and stretching it out, it had to be near 7' tall. Will see the day when they will be picking this stuff by Labor Day?

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


       Yesterday, 6/18/2018,  while having at lunch at Taylor's Maid Rite, I sat next to a couple from Baxter, Iowa. I then, had to mention that I was from Laurel and we had been old high school  football rivals. 

       He preceded to tell me that he graduated from Baxter in 1959 and mentioned lots of Laurel Alumni, including Paul Mann, Johnny  Smith, & Larry Laverty. He continued by saying that a couple of years after he graduated, Baxter was not only undefeated, but, "UNSCORED" upon until Laurel played them that year. He continued by saying that Laurel scored just "ONE" touchdown to ruin their whole season and perfect record. 

          I just gave him my best grin and asked him who scored that ONLY touchdown? He shook his head as if he didn't know. I simply pointed at myself--with pride! You're looking at him! 

I always felt bad for many years that we lost that game and that I was the only person to score that night. But, when I found out that only TD actually ruined their season, I was elated for good Ol' Laurel High!Go Hornets! 


       I overheard two employees at our local Casey's about somebody stealing or taking money from a child's piggy bank. The discussion was quite spirited to say the least.

       Of course, it reminded me of a time involving my son, his kids and their piggy bank. I used to give my grand-kids $2.00 bills for birthdays and other special occasions. It was just "my thing!"

      One time, as the story goes, my son was going to Mickey D's for some burgers and didn't have cash or I guess a credit card. **Years before Debit cards.  He took some of the $2.00 bills and handed them to the clerk and at least initially had a problem in the employee believing that the $2.00 bills were real. It served him right. Don't steal from your kids piggy bank!

Monday, June 18, 2018


      This past week while attending a Cubs vs. Brewers game in Milwaukee, I was amazed at how big Millers Park seemed to be. The roof on this enclosed style park was wide open as it was a sunny day. However, even with the partial enclosure it seemed huge. 

          Despite the fact that Wrigley Field in Chicago is an old fashion open stadium and the capacity is the same at approx. 41,000, the enclosed Miller Park seemed mammoth in comparison.

        The same holds true for new home construction. The few times I have built a home it always seemed that the basement when the hole was dug didn't seem that big. Once the home was framed and enclosed, that basement seemed much bigger! 

Sunday, June 17, 2018


        There was an article in the Des Moines Register this past week about the dry cleaner's, "French Way," closing and all it's locations after 100 years plus in business thruout the Des Moines area. That does seem to be the trend around the country as the cleaner's in Marengo closed a little over a year ago.

          We are all just dressing too casual anymore and have no need for all that starching and pressing. When I lived and worked in the West Des Moines area back in the 1960- early 1990's , my whole attire was suits and ties. I was a weekly customer of the one French Way that was located near my office at 801 Grand Avenue, Wes Des Moines, Iowa. 

       Sometimes, I would have 10 long sleeved shirts to be cleaned and pressed along with a suit or two. My old friend, Bob Merritt, would take all those shirts in along with all his suits that he wore for the week. He would even have his jeans starched heavy. The crease in his pants could cut you!

          Well, things are always changing and because I still like a professionally  pressed shirt on ocassion, I have found a dry cleaner in North Liberty, over 20 miles away. And, yes I can, do, and know how to iron and have once in awhile. The "Well Dressed look" did last for quite a long time!    


        While sitting in the hot tub this past week at the Americinn this past week and watching young kids playing in the swimming pool. I was reminded time spent with my own grand-kids in a pool.

           This same Americinn motel that I stayed in at Elkhorn, Wisconsin had a motel with pool in Marshalltown, Iowa. What was great was that for a $3.00 fee I could take my grand-kids to this pool, especially in winter, when they came to visit Grandpa.

               It was the best deal going for entertaining family in 10 states. What was amazing was that it had no bells and whistles like the huge theme park pools and yet we always found ways to have fun for 2 or 3 hours and not asking for any refreshments.

            I had several pool games that I came up with, but, one favorite was the "Bucking Bronco" game and it was requested over and over. I would simply put a grand-kid on my back and then he or she would pretend to insert a quarter in the back of my neck. 

          Then, I would start to twist and turn and attempt to buck them off and into the water. And, just in case I(the Bronco) couldn't get them off my back, the old Bronco had the ability to "Tickle!" Usually that did the trick. Off they went!

      Another fun game and mainly with my grand-daughters, was playing "Jaws!" I would be the shark and I would start humming the sound of the shark coming--Da-Dum, Da-Dum, Da-Dum! Of course, the girls would scream and giggle until getting out of the pool with the shark almost, but, not quite "getting" their foot! Fun!  



      This past week while attending the Cubs/Brewers baseball game in Milwaukee, there was no doubt in my mind that I had to have a Brat while at Miller Park. That wasn't always the case!

       There was a time in the late 1970's while attending an Iowa Hawkeye/ Wisconsin Badger football game in Madison, looking forward to a Brat quickly changed.  It seemed that there were Brat stands every block near the stadium. And, with the help of a little alcohol, those Brats even looked and tasted better. Well, I had too many of a good thing and I'll let you guess the rest. 

            It was many many years until I could look a Brat in the eye. Even at tailgating at the Hawkeye football games, I would bring along a package of hot dogs--just for me. I'm still not a big fan of a Brat or Polish, but, would rather have a all beef hot dog with all the trimmings including sauerkraut and especially the "Chicago" style! Yum!  

Saturday, June 16, 2018


       As I was sitting at the Cubs-Brewers baseball game this past Wednesday, 6/13/2018, and making a mess with my peanut shells all around, I was reminded of an impression that I witnessed years ago. The incident happened back in the late 1970's while attending an Indy 500 race.

        At one time you were able to take a certain size of container/cooler with your favorite brew into the race track. Some fans even would put their coolers on a little red wagon and then leave  it behind once at their area or section. 

          There would would piles of empty beer cans underneath the bleachers after the race was over. On time while leaving, I remember watching an employee operating this huge "Vacuum Tube" and I assume connected to a big container nearby and it was sucking up those beer cans at lightning speed. 

         It's one thing to witness small racing machines doing 200 mph, but, to see a giant beer can vacuum was truly impressive! It's the little things ! 

Thursday, June 14, 2018


        This is just a worthwhile footnote to the the Cubs-Brewers game this past Wednesday at Miller Park. Despite the fact that my favorite team lost, there was one incident that helped make the day complete.

        Toward the end of the game, Anthony Rizzo, the first base star of the Cubs was up to bat with two strikes and three balls. With the last pitch, Rizzo, took off for first base, thinking it was a pitch outside the strike zone. The umpire called him OUT! Anthony turned and really got into the Umps face and a heated exchange was on! 

       Rizzo very seldom gets angry and it was somewhat a shock all as to what they were witnessing. Most of that heated arguing is no longer allowed and usually the umpire will toss the player out. Not today. I will admit it was more entertaining many years ago when players or managers would really get into steamy confrontations complete with shuffling of dirt at the Umps feet!


       One thing I knew, when I attended the Cubs vs. Brewers baseball game on June 13th, 2018, was what I would have to eat while there. First of all how could you not have a Brat while in Milwaukee or Wisconsin for that matter--"Ya, You Betcha, Ya!" And, with a topping of sauerkraut, onion, and mustard all the  while standing behind my section 215 before the start of the game.

        Then, it hit me next! Just before the game started, I walked back up to the concession area and bought a big bag of Fisher's dry roasted, salted in-shell peanuts. For me, no baseball game is complete without eating them, sucking the salt off the shells before breaking them open with your teeth and then making that mess all around your feet with peanut shells. I'm still feeling sorry for the poor soul who has to clean up after me!  


      The mammoth "Jumbotron" at Miller's Park had more information and stats on each player than I cared about or had time to read and digest. I was amazed on the year(s) that most players were born. Most in the early 1990's! I was on my second marriage by then and third career change. The guy sitting next to me repeated the old line---"Ya, I have underwear older than these players!" 


        Yesterday, Wednesday the 13th of June 2018, was a day I will remember despite the fact that my Cubs lost this afternoon game at Miller's Park. It was my first experience attending a sporting event with a retractable roof. It was impressive to say the least with the shear size of the place. 

        My seats were better than I had requested when ordering. I always try to sit around first base where a lot of the action is. My seat was on the Loge level and was close to the right side of home plate. I could easily look up and see the broadcast booth and could look into the Cubs dugout on the third base side. 

         A couple from Chicago sat on my left and were very interesting as was the couple on my right who drove in from the Green Bay area. We all got along and probably it was a good thing for me that the Cubs did not provide much action. 

             And, to show what a small world we live in, a couple that I talked to while waiting for the doors to open were from Cedar Rapids. Another guy who was sitting next to me while waiting was from Elkhorn, Wisconsin, the town that I stayed in the night before.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


         Someone posted on Facebook the other day  with reference to the speedy passing of time. For some reason it reminded me that has been over 24 1/2 years since I last had a drink of alcohol--January 1994. 

            It was something that I didn't necessarily think I would abstain for the rest of my life, but, I just did. There were many reasons or excuses along the way that I could have started again, even if just "mildly sociably!" When those times came along, good or bad, I always said to myself that it was not worth the possibility of ruining my life either health wise or socially!

            Through those years,I have also given up tobacco and thank goodness never have gotten in to drugs or gambling. Now, if I could just get used to eating lettuce 24/7 maybe my life would be complete!


        This past Saturday, my sister, Doris, Laurel class-mate, Jerry Roberts, and I paid a visit to Bob Baker in Newton, Iowa in his new assisted living residence just north of the downtown area.

           One thing that Jerry and I noticed and commented on was all the attention Bob was getting from female employees and female residents. It was Hi, Bob here and Hi, Bob there! You would think he was some kind of real celebrity. Although, Bob does look like he could be a member of the Old Rock group--ZZ Top--with his long white beard and all. 

           I mentioned to Jerry that maybe I have been looking at the possibility of having to go to a nursing home some day in the wrong way! It is a fact that women outlast men and that the ratio of women to men is slanted in their favor. If Bob is any indication or barometer, then maybe I have been looking at the possibility of the "Home" from the wrong viewpoint. Maybe, I could handle Hi, Dennis here and Hi, Dennis there!  

Monday, June 11, 2018


     One restaurant I forgot to include on my Favorite Restaurant's in Des Moines list was the Waterfront in West Des Moines, Iowa. I don't know what I was thinking when I left it off. I've always said it is the best seafood place between Chicago and Denver. 

        I never will forget the time when I met my good friend Jim Heher there for dinner one evening and had their Oyster Soup for the first time. Jim was talking about something or other as I was taking my first bite. I had to stop him as I could see his lips moving, but, I was in "7th heaven" with my pleasure of that soup! 


       It came to me while visiting with old classmate Bob Baker and Jerry Roberts in Newton, Iowa after the Laurel School Re-Union held earlier that afternoon. Keep in mind my mind works differently than most and slanted with a little humor in mind, sometimes very little.

         Jerry asked me what I thought the theme should be for next year's re-union and the old Bee Gee's tune Stayin' Alive  immediately came to mind. Remember that old Disco hit from the 1970's. I loved that song and for some reason it just popped into my head.

          Jerry thought it would be a good idea to be playing the song during the time before we sat down to eat. 

"And we're stayin' alive stayin' alive ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive!"

        Well, I'm 74 and the second to last class of 1973 to have graduated from Laurel Consolidated School. No doubt about it. We are all up there in age, and, if you can't laugh a little at yourself well then----!


       This AM, I stopped at our local NAPA auto parts store for a pair of new windshield wiper blades. I informed the guy that part of the deal was that he would have to put them on which they will do as they will install new batteries free of charge.

           I have them do it just because I am simply not handy and even something that simple I would probably mess it up somehow.  Sure as I'm sitting here that's what happened. The guy came back in as the one blade wouldn't hook up right so he got another. 

        If I would have taken them home and tried to install myself, I would have thought the above problem would have been my fault and I would have gone "Nuts!" I was still in and out of there in under 15 minutes with blood pressure in check! Thank you Napa! 

Sunday, June 10, 2018


          The other day I was checking out at our local Casey's and the lady clerk complimented me on my new, canary yellow baseball hat that I was wearing. Fortunately she didn't notice my faded pair of sweat pants or faded grey T-shirt that I was sporting. 

          About 20 years ago, when I started wearing a faded yellow, plain, baseball hat and was told by a "young" lady passing by that I really looked good wearing "yellow." Well, you guessed it.  That was all I ever wore after that for a long long time. 

            One thing I still spend money on that I probably shouldn't is buying baseball hats, mainly for work, and the same type that I wore those many years ago and after the compliment! Today, I still buy my hats from a company called "Adams" and originally from the store in Marshalltown, Iowa called In Stitches. Today, I mostly go on-line to buy them.

           I generally just wear clothes for work that are older, pretty worn, but, comfortable. And now, I have ventured out in my color of hats and wear faded black, orange, pink, yes pink, and my latest color is plum. Usually if one my hats shows a little wear or shrinks a tad from washing, it gets the ax!

          Yes, wearing a new hat makes me feel better and if a young lady here and there thinks I look good in a new hat, well who's to argue with a lady--and, besides it's just the cost of doing business!


      Yesterday, Saturday, June 9th 2018, I attended another Laurel Consolidated School Re-Union. There were close to fifty in attendance including at least half being graduates  at the`Fellowship Hall at the Laurel United Methodist Church.

        Even though the numbers were down from the previous year, those attending were in great spirits and, I believe, were very happy to be there. I believe one decision that was made two years ago was to hold the event at noon instead of evening and to have made it "Pot Luck!"

           It was worth the price of admission and then some to take in all the "Scrumptious " food that was laid out on those long serving tables. The biggest problem for most of us in attendance  was that we couldn't even come close to eating all that we wanted. Not many got up for second like they would have done years ago!

         It was good to see Alice Lyle from the class of 1947 and John Bloom from the class of 1948. Hopefully, next year's event will be as successful as this years with all those smiling faces of some of Laurel's finest!  See you all next year!

Friday, June 8, 2018


          Anyone who has been to Taylor's Maid-Rite through the years are familiar with the huge maps on the north wall of the countries of the world.  After looking at the USA map and how far it looks from Iowa to California, I'm not sure I would have traveled that distance recently by myself. 4,000 miles in just under 7 days was maybe a bit much, especially after looking at that big map at Taylor's. I sure saw a lot of beautiful country though! 


      Today, 6/8/2018, I stopped in to my favorite eatery of all time for ONE w/ everything and a Vanilla Malt w/ a double shot of malt! Wow!

        Anyway, a guy walked in for a "To Go" order and made sure he told the clerk that he wanted his malt a little thinner and the last one he got there was too "Thick!" Yes I did start laughing after he left. I'm 74 years old and I have never heard anyone, ever, ask to thin down a ,malt! Never!  

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


          The other day I mentioned a restaurant in Dubuque that an acquaintance gave me what he thought was the best "eatery" in Iowa. Then, an old Laurel class-mate, Larry Schollenburger, gave me a tip about a restaurant in Waterloo, Gallerio de Paco's,  that he thought was, at least, the best there.

         I would encourage anyone on Facebook and reads this to pass along their pick for "best restaurant" in their area or anywhere, for that matter, in the state of Iowa. Let's hear from you!


           While getting a refreshment last week at Casey's in Amana, I was maybe the 10th or 12th in line for a purchase. They had one cash register open and there was one young clerk doing who knows what behind the counter. Neither she or the other active clerk looked up to see how many patrons were in line and waiting. 

           Of course ol' Dennis was the one who brought the long line to their attention and was able to get the other clerk working a check out! Why can't employees be more attentive as the name of the game is "customer satisfaction!"  So I thought! 

Monday, June 4, 2018


       Today, while making a visit to our library here in Williamsburg, Iowa, I asked the manager and good acquaintance if he had a hot "TIP" on a restaurant worth checking out in Eastern Iowa. 

        His answer surprised me a little and also excited me. **Doesn't take much anymore. He said that he was going to give the name of the "Best Restaurant in Iowa!" Wow! Not just his home town of Dubuque, Iowa, but, the whole darn state.

        And, the original owner has a story to tell about moving or "getting out" of Chicago due to "Mob" stuff! I can't wait to get the full story one day after I stop drooling! The place is called Mario's Italian Restaurant and it sounds like the place isn't very "Fancy!" 

         After living in Des Moines for over 30 years and eating at most all the very fine Italian Restaurants there, I won't be disappointed if it doesn't measure up to many of those in Des Moines. I can't wait to shoot up to Dubuque some day soon! I love a good eatery tip! 


           The other day while cleaning windows at the Amana Retirement Community, I realized how easy I had it compared to cleaning windows when I was a teen on the family farm. The difference is pretty stark, but, had its trade-offs!

        The other day while cleaning windows at the Amana Retirement Community, I realized I couldn't have it easier. All the windows I was doing could be easily reached by just standing at ground level, easy casement style windows, and using an easy wide applicator and an 18" inch squeegee. Each housing unit in/out took a little over a half-hour. 

        Even though the screens and storms on the farm were wood, heavy, and very large, and the rags were not very absorbent, there were still the pluses! It was generally a very sunny Fall day while working and above all I had my trusty blue imitation leather encased portable radio and listening to my Iowa Hawkeyes football team and Jim Zabel-announcer! Never can replace those fond memories!   


        I know I look at things differently now that I am older, but, one I couldn't help thinking about happened while having lunch at the Ox Yoke Inn in Amana, Iowa. The hostess took a group of people or family as far back in a corner of this huge spread restaurant. 

        The one elderly lady, possibly Grandma, was having difficulty walking and was doing so with a cane. You would have thought that either the  hostess or the younger members of the family would have been aware of the situation and asked for a closer table to the entrance! Me, I would have stood there until they all came back and joined me at a table close to the entrance!  

Sunday, June 3, 2018


         While at a household auction yesterday at Belle Plaine, Iowa, up for bid was an old Schlitz glass beer schooner. It brought back immediately a fond memory from my youth and no it was not about me drinking beer!

         I do remember accompanying one of my uncles up to the local tavern in Laurel, Iowa, during hay making season to get refreshments for the crew. I will never forget that image of the owner, Hank Miiller, pulling out this frosted schooner from a  low refrigerator from behind the bar and then filling it with a "cool" one. 

          I would watch those bubbles float to the top and to its "head." Then, once in awhile the patron would take a salt shaker and tap in a little salt which I presume was for added flavor. Again, more rising bubbles! It didn't take much to entertain me! 


        Sometime back in the 1980's, I was having lunch at a Oriental eatery in Clive , Iowa. The fortune was --"Your car will run for another 40,000 miles!" Honest! Somebody making those sayings up really had a weird sense of humor!


       Thursday night, I ordered out my favorite local Chinese take out and after eating opened the fortune cookie. The little slip read the following---"Romance will come your way soon!"  Stay tuned!


     On June 30th, 2PM,at the Old Creamery in Amana, Iowa will be a performance of "That'll Be The Day"--A Tribute to Buddy Holly and the Crickets.  I've attended several performances at the Old Creamery and they are always excellent. See you there!