Thursday, May 3, 2018


       It seems every time I go on a automobile vacation or trip, I'm always packing some type of food item--like brownies. I always fill a small cooler with bottled water or some Diet Coke. The idea is you always have a refreshment on hand and it saves you a little money!

          My trip coming up in a couple of weeks, I'm not preparing a darn thing except the beverages--maybe! I could be stranded somewhere for a few days and not starve and if I went down a ravine somewhere out in the mountains, I probably couldn't get to anything because like an idiot I put most everything in the trunk for safety purposes.

      No, I think this trip I will concentrate on finding yummy places to eat and when I'm thirsty stop at a convenience store when getting re-fueled, check things out and purchase it there. Besides. I do like to stop more often than the average guy and relax a little. What's the big hurry. My whole trip is about the "journey" and not the destination in of its self! To be technical, the destination would be back home and I won't be in a hurry to do that! 


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