Thursday, May 24, 2018


       Most scenic drives that are throughout the USA always seem to be with a lot of twists and turns. Some that come to mind that I have been on include---The Road to Hanna in Maui, Hawaii, a scenic route through the Black Hills, the Maine Coast, Independence Pass near Aspen, Colorado, or Cleveland National Park in California.

         Most of these beautiful and scenic drives can leave you nauseous and begging to be let out or off--especially the Road to Hanna. This drive or stretch of road is just the opposite and is almost like sitting in this huge "Surround Movie Theater!"

       First, most of the way, the roads are straight which allows you to just sit there and take in all the panoramic beauty that is displayed  before you. Who would have ever thought that you could come through MULTIPLE passes and be faced with ranges of snow capped mountains as far as the eye could see in both directions along with valleys and/or basins that never seemed to end with natural vegetation.

          It didn't just end with one or two passes--try multiple times over and over and just letting me sit back and glance back and forth taking in all in with amazement while each time voicing out load another---"OOH and AAH!"

           Most of the official 400 mile Drive was untouched and most passes took you up to 6500-7500 feet, but, negotiating each pass with such gentle ease ascending and descending. The all day journey finally ended for me at Fallon, Nevada, just east of Reno, Nevada.

           I was so sorry to have it all end, especially, originally thinking I was going to be so disappointed. It turned out to be the longest, most pleasurable, panoramic,and visual drive, mile for mile that I have ever taken in the USA not including Alaska. Yes, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Now its time to head south through Carson City, Nevada and on to Yosemite National Park.    

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