Saturday, May 26, 2018


        Just an observation. I noticed that during my latest trip most of the usual routines that I do when traveling I do with more care, patience. , slower, and with more thought. I realize I physically move slower. But, I actually took the time to log, starting mileage, amount of gas/gallons, cost for each meal and lodging. I think I neglected to log something only once or so!

          It was a good feeling not to be always rushing around like I usually do. Generally, thinking through things before doing them and taking more time to just enjoy "the moment." Before leaving a motel room, making sure I slowly took a mental note of all items packed and not left behind. 

       I just hope that it is simply realizing that many trips are "limited" as the ol' door keeps closing a little more. It was a good feeling for me. But, I will say that the last leg through Kansas and knowing Home was near, my urgency mode was back to normal! PS I did leave a bottle of my favorite shampoo back in Utah, I believe. I didn't say it all worked out perfectly.

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