Wednesday, May 30, 2018


          On the way back from my western states trip, it dawned on me that the last day and at lunch should be a big ol' steak. I'm not exactly sure where it was, but, somewhere east of Denver I found the perfect place for my "Last Meal" before coming home. 

         The place was a rustic looking cowboy bar and grill , but very clean and with the local patron traffic at noon time, it seemed like a good choice. My order was a very thick sirloin steak, medium rare to perfection, a crispy salad from a salad bar with fresh choices, and homemade mashed potatoes with a huge cube of butter.

         When they bring with your steak one of those huge steak knives, you know they are serious. In talking to my server, she informed me that she and her husband owned the` restaurant and he does his own butchering! Micky D--eat your heart out! 

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