Thursday, May 24, 2018


        I may be one of the last travelers that doesn't rely on technology to get around. When, on a trip like my venture Out West, I relied solely on a big ol' Atlas. Probably will till they take my license away from me. Besides, I have always contended that you can get a bigger picture of whats ahead in front of you. 

          The one thing I may have to change is making reservations ahead with lodging. I love traveling off-season as in early to mid May as the summer crowd is not on the road yet and in mountain areas the ski bunch have usually gone home.

           But, when traveling to higher populated areas just winging it didn't seem to work too well at least on this trip. On two occasions, I was told that a particular Inn had no vacancy, but, luckily for me they referred me on ahead to another lodge and all was well. 

           Another big factor, I only surmised, is that more and more people are using there mobile devices, apps and all, and making reservations ahead after calculating time and miles to their next destination and as to not take chances of a NO Vacancy. I may have to think about changing my ways or not!

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