Wednesday, May 30, 2018


        Back in the late 1990's, I was giving thought to traveling to the Bahamas and staying at the famous Atlantis resort for a few days. It just seemed reasonable as something different to do as a bachelor. 

         I had met, at about that time, the daughter of a good customer of mine and we  became friends. When she learned that I was giving thought to my Bahama plans, she posed the following question or thought.

       Her logic was  why go somewhere on vacation and as a destination that is "Man Made."  Her thinking was when there are so many places to travel to and see that are natural why waste your time on places like I was considering or the likes of Las Vegas. 

           I always remembered what she said and since then most of my destinations and traveling involves around that natural beauty--don't make me list them all! Don't get me wrong, I go the "Big" city on occasion and take in an event of some kind. I guess I'm glad I did the "Big City" scene when I was younger and have no regrets. Good Bye Las Vegas--probably never again! 

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