Monday, May 7, 2018


       ------why I like Trump! My daily entertainment is watching these numb-skulls on cable TV going ballistics over every little move that President Trump does or makes. Maybe some or a lot of what he says are "lies" or stretching the truth. 

              For a few of reasons I can really relate to him. First, I have always rooted for the under-dog, maverick, outtsider, misfit, lone wolf, or non-conformist. I have always thought of myself a little outside the norm and have always been attracted to that type of person as a friend. 

        Secondly, when I used to sell real-estate back in the 1970's and 1980's, enhancing and embellishing were a part of every day dealings and most of the people in the real estate business were outgoing and sometimes we all stretched the truth some, but, wouldn't like to think that we lied on an every day basis. 

       Third, I will admit I am hooked on all this political nonsense that we witness on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. For me it's entertainment--something I look forward to each morning while getting ready for my "Normal" day to start. For me, to watch an early morning debate between a commentator and political foe gets the old blood flowing! No Soap Opera can match what we are witnessing today!

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