Monday, May 7, 2018


        In connecting with an old employee from my Allied Mutual days as an Underwriter in Des Moines, Iowa, reminded me of another special fellow employee that I worked with very closely.

       His name was "Les" and when I stared working there back in the late 1960's, he was very near retirement. He could always tell you almost to the day how long he had until his last day. 

         The lesson I learned from him was the old expression about "Smelling the roses along the way!" He and his wife, Lucille, who also worked there, were close to "workaholics" and you could find both of them there at the office every day of the week including most Saturdays. 

        The thing that Les talked about frequently was that they planned to build a home when they retired on a private lake here in Iowa. Lucille was 64 years old when she passed away. Les was obviously devastated and  it took him some time to recover from his loss.

         Throughout my life, I have smelled those roses and if I were to leave this planet tomorrow, I would be OK. Don't get me wrong, there is much I would still like to do and accomplish, but, to those of you out there are just waiting around "UNTIL" my advice is get going because tomorrow may never come!

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