Sunday, May 6, 2018


        The following is not the only reason I never played golf with any regularity in my lifetime, just a funny memory of a few golf outings. When I did play when I was younger, I wasn't all that bad, but, just never made or found the time on a constant basis to keep it up and become better. Selling real-estate never seemed to allow a specific time to play although I played with my son when he was a young boy for a time.

         During my first marriage, we had a couple that we did things with socially and one thing the husband and I did a few times was play a round of golf or two. "Dick" was an above average player and when we were playing he was always attempting to give me tips or ideas on how to do "whatever" better. I know his`intentions were good, but, it always made me nervous and self- conscious! I think it made matters worse. 

         One thing I did play for a time was tennis. I was descent and the nice thing about tennis, it didn't take as long to play as golf. I have no regrets that I didn't become a "golfer" like so many that I know have. Other passions have given me great pleasure, especially later in life, like writing, traveling, attending sporting events of grand-children and my Iowa Hawkeyes. And, attending an auction now and then with a mix of selling/buying a "Collectible" or two.

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