Saturday, April 9, 2016


      Most guys I have known in my life time have either been very neat or total disasters when it comes to cleaning there residence. My old friend Bob Merritt dressed like a model out of GQ but his habits around the house were another matter. Another old friend was in the military and he was really OCD. Everything just so. When he cooked and was ready to serve the kitchen was cleaned before serving.

       I have always been pretty clean and neat around the house as that was the way my mother was. Let's always blame our mothers!  My closet, years ago, was arranged by color of shirts, sweaters by cotton or wool and suits by solid or stripped etc. You get the picture. I am not that bad today but I also don't need or have as many clothes.

      Being single and now living by myself it is important to me more than ever to stay up on cleaning my home on a regular basis and keeping "stuff" to a minimum. First, just in case someone pops in, I don't want to think that this old guy is slovenly. Second, if something happened and I bit the dust some night, again, I want somebody to say "well at least he was pretty TIDY!" And, I guess, third if something were to happen I don't want family to have to spend needless hours or days just going through my stuff. That's why by the end of this month a lot of needless things are going to go via a garage sale. What's left over will go to charity. 

       Maybe, one reason I have stayed somewhat neat and a minimalist to some degree is because like a lot of our generation we used to hear the reason for keeping stuff was because "you just never know when you might need it. If I need  it now there is a hardware store a few blocks away!

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