Thursday, April 7, 2016


     I am not big on sharing bad news or health issues with the whole world, but, with this one I'll make an exception. I just found out today that I have the Shingles. The good news is that it is just contained in a small area on the left side of the back of my big head. 

       About two weeks ago, I was feeling this mild pain on my scalp and just thought I had some type of dry scalp "fungus of the mungus!" My normal Doctor's appointment was not until next week and didn't want to wait that long to know. We have a new Medical Clinic in Williamsburg which is affiliated with theMarengo Hospital. 

       So, I just popped in today and they got me right in. Now I know. Most times not knowing will kill you! Hopefully within a week or so the pain will let up by taking Valtrex  3 times daily and I will be off to the races once again! Stay tuned! 

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