Thursday, April 28, 2016


     This past week I helped a lady out with her groceries who moved to Williamsburg during the past year from North Dakota and lived near the Canadian border. It quickly dawned on me the thought I had years ago about North Dakota. It was the fact that for some reason I never thought about anyone living there. I guess because of its small population and maybe the fact I have never gone there.

      Along those same lines, many many years ago while in Las Vegas, I was talking to someone and let it be known that I was from Des Moines, Iowa. The guy thought about it for a second or two then said something like-"I've heard of it but didn't think anybody lived there!" I heard something similar by another individual on that same trip. So strange how we think of areas. It's like people on the coasts that think the mid-west is just this little sliver of land!

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