Monday, April 2, 2018


        Going through the Meskwaki Casino this past Sunday,4/1/2018, of course, reminded me of a worth while story and lesson in life. It involved one very close friend and an old college professor from  my college days.

        Many years ago, during the late 1990's, I attended a Gamblers Anonymous meeting as a guest with my very close friend Jim. For years he had a very big problem with gambling and as a matter of fact even living in Des Moines, he would drive up to Tama and gamble at Meskwaki.

         During much of this time, I lived in Marshalltown, Iowa and he would call me very early in the AM for breakfast if he had won supposedly very big. If he didn't I would never hear from him. The man made an extremely good living selling real estate, but, lost much including stocks and a duplex that he owned, all attributed to gambling.

         That night while attending the GA meeting, Jim introduced me to someone who turned out to be an old college professor at Drake. He taught a course that was outside my major but, was probably was THE most interesting class while at Drake. 

         This man's story was losing well over $80,000 to gambling through out his life.One of his pet projects was attempting, unsuccessfully, to get ATM machines removed from gambling casinos. His logic was that it truly harmed the "gambling addict" after losing inside and then being able to simply go to an ATM for additional playing cash! Sad! 

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