Friday, April 6, 2018


       Years ago, during my real estate selling years, I had one of those embarrassing moments but, fortunately I was the only one who knew of the moment. It started when I was scouting a few homes in a certain area and development in he Wes Des Moines.

           All the homes were new and supposedly never occupied. My list of homes came right out of the Multiple Listing Book. When I pulled up in front of this particular home it still had the real estate sign in the front yard, but, with no "SOLD" sticker on it. 

         The year I don't recall, but, "Lock Boxes" were being used at the time. The LB was simply installed over the front door knob and realtors then had access with their own "key!" I opened the door to his particular home and walked right in. I didn't yell my usual "Realtor" as I didn't think it was occupied being brand new and in a new area.

            Straight down the hall, I could look straight to the MBR bath and standing in the shower were a man and a woman showering. I immediately turned and headed out the door, to my car, and moved on. For some reason the sale was not documented and why there was no furniture around, etc I never knew. It never dawned on me that it could have been some realtor doing no good!

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