Wednesday, April 18, 2018


       Last night, 4/17/2018, when getting back from my  writing class at Kirkwood Community College in Coralville where I teach, I stopped at the Landmark Restaurant out at the junction here in Williamsburg, Iowa for a piece of pie and a cup of coffee.

           I struck up a conversation with a couple at a near-by booth about a current events matter.
It turned out  that they were from Ankeny, Iowa and headed to visit family in Indiana. The lady used to work at various insurance companies in Des Moines. After I mentioned that I used to work for Allied Mutual there, they then mentioned that one of their very good friends who also lives in Ankeny used to work at Allied and whom I knew real well during the late 1960's and early 1970's. 

          They bragged on their son who works for a company that manages and/or builds nuclear power plants and his high intellect. I in turn bragged on my nephew who graduated from Purdue University and majored in Computer Engineering and holds a very prestigious position with an International Company in England. 

              I have always found that it is much more interesting to strike up a conversation with a stranger on occasion and who knows what you might learn in the process!    

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