Friday, April 20, 2018


       With the announcement of the Younkers Department Store closings, it reminded me of one of my favorite stories about Younkers and my mom. She loved shopping there and had done so as long as I can remember even from the time there was a store on Main Street in Marshalltown, Iowa. 

         One day, back in the mid 1990's, she was so excited about an upcoming sale on Fiesta  Dinnerware at Younkers. Keep in mind that they had a sale on Fiesta, it seemed, about every week. I even mentioned to her that it was just the way they merchandised and it really wasn't a real sale. She would just look at me ---like"what's your point!" 

        It was Ok. She loved shopping--shopping at Younkers--and shopping and getting a good deal on that colorful Fiesta, old/new, that we all learned to love so well!

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