Thursday, April 26, 2018


       I had to laugh the other evening while grabbing a bite to eat at a Taco Bell in Coralville, Iowa. An older couple came in and stood at the counter starring at the the menu board above. The clerk immediately asked them for their order. They obviously didn't know what they wanted and needed a little extra time in deciding on all the various choices and I'm sure feeling a little pressure.

        Years ago, while in a Culver's the same happened to me and with their huge selection of items on the huge board above I asked a big question. Did they have a menu that I could go look at. They did. Some of the menus of these "Fast Food Places" have gotten longer and longer and it takes a little time to make your decision. Plus, the pressure of the clerk waiting and the line building up behind you!

   My folks, years ago, would walk into a Mc Donald's and would stand back by the door where they came in a strain to check out the menu board before walking up to order. Maybe we will all get to sitting down and ordering off our phones and then eliminating he pressure! 

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