Monday, April 2, 2018


       Easter Sunday, 4/1/2018, I drove up to Laurel, Iowa and attended Easter services a the Laurel United Methodist Church with my sister Doris Eddy of nearby Gilman. My old hometown church remains one of the truly American Iconic churches around. With its cozy earth tones and stained glass windows worth just attending church to view. 

         The minister, Scott Lothe, is worth driving a distance just to hear his captivating words and soft demeanor. Of course, most every pew was filled with regulars and many guests back visiting friends and family. The early breakfast was also a special treat and all delicious. 

         After the service and communion, we drove west of Laurel and circled through the Graceland Cemetery where many of our family members are at rest including our mother and father--  William John and  Doris May Smith Laverty Korte.  After returning to my Big Sis' home, we shared a simple and comforting lunch of prepared "comforts" by the two of us! It was a special day! 

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