Friday, April 21, 2017


      A lot of you, I am sure, can remember the comedian, Steve Martin, and his famous expression of "Well, Excuse Me!" I almost used it the other day while carrying out groceries for two ladies who were a mother and daughter duo. 

       The younger woman was very well dressed and a deep and dark tan. I assumed that they had just returned from the South as possible Snow Journers. When we got to the car, I noticed it had Polk County license plates and the further assumed that the daughter might be from Des Moines. 

        Her reply was that she was actually from Phoenix, Arizona and that the car was "just" a rental. She further stated that she thought it cold out and I must admit despite a bright sunny day it was only in the mid 50's. Being a big defender of Iowa and all it's glory, I so badly felt like shouting out--Well, Excuse Me! I did do the smart thing by keeping my big mouth shut and saying something like" Well, if we all wanted to live in the same place!"-----


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