Tuesday, April 4, 2017


      I'm sure that I am not the only one that wakes up the day after a vacation or event that was long awaited and realize- POOF- it's all over! That happened to me today after experiencing a great vacation trip with my big sister Doris Yvonne. 

        It always amazes me that you plan something months in advance with detail making lists upon lists so you don't overlook anything and the next thing you know "it's all over!" Why is it that somehow you think that THE week will last for ever. To make matters worse, as one gets older it seems that precious time goes by with lightning  speed. 

         I guess all one can do, and I have always maintained this philosophy,  is just keep going and plan trips, events or whatever and keep looking forward to them. And, when they are over cherish those good memories for all the days ahead. A sunny day soon can't hurt either! 

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