Tuesday, April 4, 2017


      Originally this trip was only planned for driving to Memphis and experiencing Beale Street and all it has to offer in terms of restaurants and entertainment. Then somewhere along the way, I thought of my sister Doris and how, through the years, she talked about her love of the Appalachian mountains--The Smoky's and the Blue Ridge in particular. 

         The "light bulb" finally came on and it only made sense to head to the Smoky's- and more- and include my sister. Beale Street could wait for another day. Those mountains did not disappoint. Especially the`afternoon when we drove straight through the Smoky National Park just south of Gatlinburg on Federal 441. That drive and scenic views will never be forgotten. And, I will admit that some of the mountain streams that we viewed matched their Rocky Mountain counterparts.

        I have always been partial to the Rocky Mountains, but, I truly loved my experience in this area. Maybe, we shouldn't always be trying to compare whatever the subject, but, just enjoy the experience for what it offers.This is such a beautiful country!    

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