Thursday, April 13, 2017


          In my latest start with a weight loss program, something finally came to me with the help of some advice from a fellow employee at the Burg Grocery. It was something quite simple, but, I had overlooked through the years of attempting to lose weight.

          She brought up the notion that I should snack on foods that I do like but that are low in grams of carbs. I really never had thought in terms of having a boiled egg, sardines, cheese, or Greek olives while watching TV in the evening which has always been my downfall.

        In never dawned on me to eat those kinds of things as a snack only the likes of ice-cream, Snicker's, or pop-corn with a little butter. Of course, I had never tried a low carb diet plan, but, only counting calories. I will let you know how my plan "pans" out in a week or two. I'm not only inspired by this revelation in snacking , but I am encouraged by a recipe for a pizza without a crust! Stay tuned!

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