Wednesday, April 12, 2017


      I've just started on a low carb diet plan and finally hope to change my way of thinking when it comes to eating and making changes that have been with me and have enjoyed for most of my life. Another link to better health is also kicking up my exercise program to some extent.

       One thing that has bothered me for along time is this notion that somehow you should walk or run 10,000 steps daily. Who made that proclamation? This morning I went out and swiftly walked for approx. 20-25 minutes and stepped off over 1,500 steps at least. Plus, working at a local grocery store as a carry out and who knows the amount of steps taken 7 hrs a day and 3 times a week.

        I love analogies and would compare our bodies to that of an automobile. Is there logic to going out and running our bodies(car) at full speed and around that track for 400 miles every day. I know we need to keep our car clean to avoid rust and should take it in for timely maintenance. However, it just seems to me that if we run that car(body) to fast, hard and too often, we are only going to wear it out sooner. Maybe maintaining a healthy diet and moderate exercise is the way to go. Trying to live up to 10,000 steps daily is too difficult for most of us!     

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