Saturday, April 22, 2017


       Living in a still thriving farm community like Williamsburg, Iowa, I hear my share of "working on the farm by women" stories while doing carry out at the Burg Grocery. The one this past Friday was no exception.

       A lady mentioned that years ago she was driving the tractor with a load of hay on behind and headed to the barn. Her husband had stacked the hay in the front half of the hay rack one way and the back half another. The back half stuck out a little and the lady driving couldn't see that fact while negotiating through a nearby gate. Off came the bales stacked in the rear. 

       Her husband tried to blame his wife for not paying attention, but, some of the other hired helped agreed that the blame fell on the husband and the way he stacked the hay! Sometimes I wish my mother would have helped in actual "farm work for some good stories," but, she always said--As the story goes; "I told your dad when we got married I wouldn't be working out in the field!"

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