Monday, April 24, 2017


       I love going to auctions! Nothing better than sitting there with your bidding card in your hand and listening to the "chant" of the auctioneer. Yesterday was no exception at Spanky's in Toledo, Iowa during a typical household auction.

       What made it all worth to me was bidding on a whole box of four old fashion quilts, including a long runner, and a classic wool army blanket and getting the winning bid for $30.00. Don't ask me at this point what I will do with all these treasures, but, who knows. That point is not important for now! Oh ya! I got an old fashion meat grinder, the type you attach right on the table, for $2.00. A great way to spend a couple of hours!

      A footnote to this auction story is why or how I try to justify this past-time. A lot of Seniors with modest means spend free time at casinos and gambling money they possibly can't afford to lose. And, on an ongoing basis they do lose! My justification on auctions is at least I can always take the stuff back to another auction and at least get some of my money back!

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