Tuesday, April 4, 2017


        The last week in March to travel to the southeast may have been a little pre-mature for "greening up" but, other beauty came to light. Most of the early flowers and flowering trees were out in full glory---Crocus, Tulips, Daffodil, Dogwood, Crabapple, Cherry, and Magnolia.

     The leaves on most of the native trees had not come out at the time, but, the red buds had and featured a certain beauty while viewing massive forest areas on mountain sides, especially in the sunlight. The other thing I immensely enjoyed was being able to see easily through those trees(without being blocked by leaves) and seeing the forest floors and all that was in there. A lot is missed when all you can view is just "green!" 

        One thing realized is that there is always beauty no matter what time of year or season. We would all agree that this area is without a doubt magnificent in the fall, but I am grateful to have experienced all its early spring glory! 

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