Tuesday, April 18, 2017


      I just received my invitation to the 2017 Laurel Alumni Reunion(Banquet) to be held Saturday,  June, 10, 2017 at the Park Shelter in Haverhill, Iowa. It will be a lunch and pot luck to be held at 1PM.

       When I first heard about the change from my sister, Doris, a while back I was a little bit in dismay! The banquet had been held for many years in the Fellowship Hall at the United Methodist Church in Laurel, Iowa. It had always been held in the evening and the meal had always been catered by a professional catering service.

         It didn't take long for me to realize I was thinking like an "OLD FOGEY"--even though that is what I am! How could they change the location, the time of day, and the way we had always been fed??

      Then it dawned on me real fast. First, having it held at 1PM, I could be home comfortably in my La-Z-Boy by early evening. Second, it would only be costing me $7 instead of $15 or so as before. Third, it would a "pot luck" and there will be all that yummy food to day dream about prior to the get-together and ponder once there and looking it over! 

       Remember about change. You can choose to be run over by it, get out of it's way, or GO WITH IT! This might be fun going with it! PS. I plan on bringing a dish of that yummy food!

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