Tuesday, April 18, 2017


       I just completed one full week of a "low carb" diet and at this point seems to be working with success. The key for me was discovering that I could enjoy a few things at night while watching TV that doesn't include the likes of ice-cream, chips, etc. A  few bread & butter pickles, a couple of sardines, or Greek olives with a couple of slices of cheese do just fine. 

       The other important factor is actually counting the grams of carbs allowed per food item, meal, and daily. And, if I am going to have something like spaghetti to just have a very small portion and increase veggies in mix along with a little sauce. Size of portions have always been another big problem with me. 

        So far I have lost between 5 and 6 pounds and know at this point that are what I call those early "easy" pounds. Hopefully, nothing comes my way to cause any added stress or anything that takes me off track! Stay tuned and I will report back in a week.


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