Sunday, April 30, 2017


       It was the mid 1980's and it was New Year's Eve. My wife, May, and I spent New Year's in Chicago. One main reason was to do something different than just go to the usual New Year's Eve parties locally and be around a lot of drinking. On New Years Eve we attended The 2nd City Comedy Theater where the likes of John Belushsi  got his start. 

          Right at mid-night the performing comedy troupe  took a break and the song overhead by James Brown--I Feel Good"  began playing. When it would be sung "I feel good"----followed by the instrumental Du- Du- Du- Du Dut, the audience in the theater and with their handed out "horns" began playing along with the Du-Du-Du-Dut! Keep in mind that most people, I'm sure, were fairly well inebriated!

         It was so funny to be sitting there cold sober and watching all these people playing along with their little tooting horns to the rhythm of James Brown. I know, maybe it is one of those situations where you had to be there, but, at the time it was very funny.

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