Sunday, April 9, 2017


     A few years ago, I met some friends in Grinnell, Iowa and ate at the Prairie Canary. To say the least, it was not my cup of tea. A little too fancy smancy for my taste. When you have to not only ask what a certain item on the menu is and how to pronounce it, you know you're out of your league. 

       Another good friend right here in Williamsburg is always discussing and bringing up food items like Tabbouleh, Couscous, or Quinoa. I usually just sit there with a dazed look. As far as I know these are islands in the west Pacific. Of course, someone is always telling me I need to "broaden my tastes" in food. Most people just assume since I am older that I have always just eaten "comfort food!" 

       In my heyday, I have eaten at more fancy restaurants and have eaten entrees that you can longer find on a menu! Even on my  in home dining menu list, it takes me a couple of months just to duplicate the same thing. Or, maybe no one around me has been enough of a good salesman with something unpronounceable and its make-up to convince me on something new! Don't count me out entirely!


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