Sunday, April 30, 2017


        An elderly lady was getting into her newer "sporty" auto last week on a really bright and sun shiny day. I mentioned that maybe it would be nice if she traded for a convertible on a day so nice.

         Her answer was a definite no as it would be really bad for her hair. Keep in mind that this lady was, I'm guessing, in her late 70's or early 80's. Much of this generation still has their hair "done" on a regular basis and too much wind would play havoc!

       On the other hand, my younger sister, Deborah, has a convertible and I don't believe hair is an issue. I won't divulge her age, but let's just say she qualifies as a grandmother.  But, like most my age and my sisters,I know that hair blowing around is not an issue and if it is a baseball hat solves the problem!  Don't get me wrong, I think it is cool that the really nice "little old lady"  was at least burning up the highways in her dream machine!


       It was the mid 1980's and it was New Year's Eve. My wife, May, and I spent New Year's in Chicago. One main reason was to do something different than just go to the usual New Year's Eve parties locally and be around a lot of drinking. On New Years Eve we attended The 2nd City Comedy Theater where the likes of John Belushsi  got his start. 

          Right at mid-night the performing comedy troupe  took a break and the song overhead by James Brown--I Feel Good"  began playing. When it would be sung "I feel good"----followed by the instrumental Du- Du- Du- Du Dut, the audience in the theater and with their handed out "horns" began playing along with the Du-Du-Du-Dut! Keep in mind that most people, I'm sure, were fairly well inebriated!

         It was so funny to be sitting there cold sober and watching all these people playing along with their little tooting horns to the rhythm of James Brown. I know, maybe it is one of those situations where you had to be there, but, at the time it was very funny.


        This past week on the "piped-in" oldies music was the song Ring My Bell by Anita Ward from the late 1970's. I still love this Disco song despite the fact that my ex-wife, May,and I danced to it on many occasion complete with "ringing the bell" with hand gestures while dancing. Sometimes in life, it is hard to separate good and bad memories, but,  hopefully we let the good come forward and overcome.


        My sister, Deborah, this past week posted a photo of one of her grand-daughters and it was precious with her big brown eyes. It reminded me of the popular paintings that were so prevalent in the 1960's by Margaret Keane. I am sure many of you remember them!

Saturday, April 29, 2017


      Most everyone today that is in to NSCAR racing just assumes that one of the first women race car drivers is or was Danica Patrick. Not so. I attended the Indy 500 race back in 1977 and got to witness the really first lady driver--Janet Guthrie.

      What was amazing was the anticipation in what would be said when announcing the start of the race as "Gentlemen start your engines" was always the most famous opening line to that race. After welcoming her and a few words about her it was announced "And now Gentlemen starts your engines!" Tradition was not broken. And, at the time and with the crowd or audience being a majority of men, the crowd went wild. To be a part of this historical moment was very special!


        This song by Sam the Sham & the Pharoahs was an early 1980's big hit to say the least. Everybody loved to sort of sing along to it. The problem for me was that I never really understood any of the lyrics except when it came to Wooly Bully. Most of the time I would just MUMBLE along singing da-da-da dah----Wolly Bully, Wooly Bully! As Dick Clark used to say "It did have a great beat!"


      I heard a lady yesterday make reference to going "cattywampus" across a field on her farm. I just smiled as I hadn't heard that word or expression for many many years. It's one of those words that maybe only old timer's use and you will hear less and less of it as time goes by. But, and besides, it's just fun to say cattywampus!

Friday, April 28, 2017


        Today a gentleman at the Burg Grocery was checking out with only two items--a small bottle of Pepsi and a carton of Marlboro cigarettes. The total of the two purchases were just a little over $67.00. I had to look at that total twice. 

        I bailed out from smoking around the millennium (2000) when the price per pack was between $2.00 and $3.00. I thought that was outrageous then and it was! That shows you what a terrible addition or habit smoking cigarettes can be. No matter how you slice it, that amount per day could go a long way on so many worth-while things like a super vacation to Hawaii. Oh ya, and your health! 



      Today at the Burg Grocery a young man had just purchased a bouquet of colorful painted daisy's. I asked him if he had done something wrong and was trying to make amends with his significant. His answer was a definitive no! "I know I'll screw up sometime so---!" I loved it. Good answer!


      "What do you have with two peels?"  "A pair of slippers!"


        I still enjoy making a pizza from scratch. For me it is just fun to spread and shape out the dough and laying on all the toppings. And, this past week, I made a Chef Boyardee box pizza with my own added toppings.

        It also takes me back, with fond memory, to my high-school years during the late 1950's and early 1960's when my mother would make this very same pizza on a week-end night. This was my very first recollection  of pizza and least home style. It is nice that this particular food product has survived through all these years for me to still enjoy on occasion and with fond memories. 


       This past Wednesday a young lady came into the Burg Grocery to re-fill a 5 gallon water bottle. I watched her carry the heavy re-fill toward the back of the store to simply pick up a frozen pizza. If that were me and if I was even able to carry that full bottle, I would have set it down toward the front where it was re-filled and then would have walked back to get the pizza. 

        After watching her maneuver around in amazement with that big heavy bottle and out the door, I was informed that she owned or worked at one of the local landscaping businesses. I am sure she doesn't have to work out at no "stinkin" athletic club! I still can't believe what I saw.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


       The other day somebody at the Burg Grocery was telling a joke about these two "guys" etc. It reminded me of years ago, on occasion, my daughter would try her hand at telling a joke. She would start out by saying--"There were these two gentlemen"-------I had to instruct her that when telling a joke one has to follow "Joke Etiquette." You should always start by saying there were these two guys not two gentlemen. Look it up!  


       This past week-end I had the winning bid on a vintage Poloron insulated all metal full size ice chest. Yes, it is old and has some nicks and scratches here and there(just like me), but, because it has been around the block a time or two that's what attracted me to it. Plus, it only cost me only $10.00. 

         Maybe while traveling it will be a little bit of an over-kill for carrying bottled water and some` soft drinks, but, this baby has some character and I intend to take it along with pride. Besides, the base is orange and that's one of my favorite colors. Orange is like Rodney Dangerfield,-- "Gets No Respect."

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


       At the auction I attended this week-end there was one thing I initially had my eye on. It was an old fashion cast iron clap on meat grinder. We all have seen them, still own one, or had a mother or grand-mother who used one. 

      I had one that was given to me by my sister, Doris, but, am not sure where it went. Our mother could make the best beef sandwiches from left-over roast beef complete with mayo and diced sweet pickle. The sandwiches were the best.

       At the auction I had to buy along with meat grinder a whole box of assorted spoons and various cutting knives among other things. But, for $2.00, getting this meat grinder was a pretty good deal. Does anyone need a cutting knife or two or three---?


       This week-end I thought I had ordered through Amazon an old classic movie DVD of "The Swamp Thing." It was one of my favorite all time oldies in the cult classic category. Somehow I punched a wrong button and paid for just the "streaming process," I guess.

       No matter, for the first time ever, I sat in my Laz-E-Boy chair and settled in and watched the entire movie on my lap-top computer. Wasn't bad! I do plan on this fall when baseball, Cubs, season is over to sign up for Netflex streaming set-up. If I can just stay afloat with a lot of this new tech stuff I will be happy. It's coming awfully fast though!  


       Yesterday one of the checkers at the Burg Grocery mentioned that she didn't hear or see a certain carry-out person come back in from outside. It reminded me of how quiet my step-dad, Maurice Korte, could be when walking around. 

       It's not politically correct any longer, but, my mother always was accusing my step-dad of walking quietly around like an "Indian." It was kind of funny to see him come back into the house, on occasion, after getting mail and quietly walking up behind my mother working around the stove. Out would come this quick and loud scream when he would start to say something! Ya, it was funny.

Monday, April 24, 2017


       I love going to auctions! Nothing better than sitting there with your bidding card in your hand and listening to the "chant" of the auctioneer. Yesterday was no exception at Spanky's in Toledo, Iowa during a typical household auction.

       What made it all worth to me was bidding on a whole box of four old fashion quilts, including a long runner, and a classic wool army blanket and getting the winning bid for $30.00. Don't ask me at this point what I will do with all these treasures, but, who knows. That point is not important for now! Oh ya! I got an old fashion meat grinder, the type you attach right on the table, for $2.00. A great way to spend a couple of hours!

      A footnote to this auction story is why or how I try to justify this past-time. A lot of Seniors with modest means spend free time at casinos and gambling money they possibly can't afford to lose. And, on an ongoing basis they do lose! My justification on auctions is at least I can always take the stuff back to another auction and at least get some of my money back!

Saturday, April 22, 2017



      This past Wednesday, April, 19, 2017, could have been one of those days to remember, but, didn't quite get there and that was a good thing. The word was out that by that evening we would be experiencing terrible storms around the state due to unusual weather. 

        The "word" also was that there were even some of these Storm Chasers coming here from as far away as Mississippi to possibly view tornadoes and more. That morning it was quite cool and by noon I decided to put a light jacket on while going in and out while working at the Burg Grocery.

        By 12:30PM and within the hour the temperature had risen up to nearly 80 degrees. I guess they were right. No not entirely! There were no big storms or tornadoes that evening around the state or at least none that did much damage.

        The only time in my life that I can remember the temp changing that drastically and that fast was in Colorado many years ago. It happened to an in-laws home west and up from Denver, Colorado. It was a pleasant and warm summer evening and we were outside while barbecuing. All of a sudden a gust of wind came down suddenly from high up in the mountains and the temp changed at least 20 degrees within seconds. It was quite an experience!  


       Living in a still thriving farm community like Williamsburg, Iowa, I hear my share of "working on the farm by women" stories while doing carry out at the Burg Grocery. The one this past Friday was no exception.

       A lady mentioned that years ago she was driving the tractor with a load of hay on behind and headed to the barn. Her husband had stacked the hay in the front half of the hay rack one way and the back half another. The back half stuck out a little and the lady driving couldn't see that fact while negotiating through a nearby gate. Off came the bales stacked in the rear. 

       Her husband tried to blame his wife for not paying attention, but, some of the other hired helped agreed that the blame fell on the husband and the way he stacked the hay! Sometimes I wish my mother would have helped in actual "farm work for some good stories," but, she always said--As the story goes; "I told your dad when we got married I wouldn't be working out in the field!"


       This past week "Benny and the Jets"  by Elton John was playing overhead at the Burg Grocery. It reminded me of a special and traumatic at the same time. It happened back in the mid 1970's, when I went to see for the first time the movie "The Exorist"at the River Hills Theater in downtown Des Moines. I went with a friend, Dan Ellett, who was also a fellow employee at Allied Mutual Insurance Company.

         That movie really scared the ----out of me at the time and when I went back to my apartment at 1136 26th St., near Drake University, I had a hard time staying there. So I decided that I needed to be around people and headed for "Peggy's"-- the drinking institution at Drake for decades. 

        The first thing I did, after ordering my first beer, was go over to the Jukebox and  punch in several selections of "Benny & The Jets." At the time it was one my favorite songs and besides $1.00 could get you at least four selections. I can still see that head spinning around and around along with all that green stuff spewing out of her(Ragan) mouth!   


        Why did the kid put the clock under the desk? So he could be over time!

Friday, April 21, 2017


      A lot of you, I am sure, can remember the comedian, Steve Martin, and his famous expression of "Well, Excuse Me!" I almost used it the other day while carrying out groceries for two ladies who were a mother and daughter duo. 

       The younger woman was very well dressed and a deep and dark tan. I assumed that they had just returned from the South as possible Snow Journers. When we got to the car, I noticed it had Polk County license plates and the further assumed that the daughter might be from Des Moines. 

        Her reply was that she was actually from Phoenix, Arizona and that the car was "just" a rental. She further stated that she thought it cold out and I must admit despite a bright sunny day it was only in the mid 50's. Being a big defender of Iowa and all it's glory, I so badly felt like shouting out--Well, Excuse Me! I did do the smart thing by keeping my big mouth shut and saying something like" Well, if we all wanted to live in the same place!"-----


Thursday, April 20, 2017


      This noon, Thursday, April, 20, 2017, I walked into Taylor's Maid-Rite, Marshalltown, Iowa, and ordered  one maid- rite in a bowl(no bun) with a little mustard, a few pickles, a shot of onion, and just a glass of water. I have never ordered a maid- rite in this manner since I can't remember when or why.

       This time I did it because I am on a low carb diet and the high carbs in a bun are out. It was hard to not also consider one of  Taylor's fantastic malts, but, I did not give in to temptation. At this point I will not say whether I will continue to eat a maid- rite in this manner or not, but, if this is what I have to do for continued good health- so be it!



       The other day at the Burg Grocery a good customer started talking to another employee about mushroom hunting. Then all of a sudden the topic changed to a memory of when their families fried up some "pumpkin blossoms!" 

       I chimed in that I had never heard of that delicacy recently or as a kid growing up. Maybe it was a regional thing like green fried tomatoes. Or, maybe it was just one of those things my mother didn't engage in. Another possibility could be I just wasn't paying attention? I know one thing. If it was being made at the time and if it was good, I would have remembered believe me!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


      I just received my invitation to the 2017 Laurel Alumni Reunion(Banquet) to be held Saturday,  June, 10, 2017 at the Park Shelter in Haverhill, Iowa. It will be a lunch and pot luck to be held at 1PM.

       When I first heard about the change from my sister, Doris, a while back I was a little bit in dismay! The banquet had been held for many years in the Fellowship Hall at the United Methodist Church in Laurel, Iowa. It had always been held in the evening and the meal had always been catered by a professional catering service.

         It didn't take long for me to realize I was thinking like an "OLD FOGEY"--even though that is what I am! How could they change the location, the time of day, and the way we had always been fed??

      Then it dawned on me real fast. First, having it held at 1PM, I could be home comfortably in my La-Z-Boy by early evening. Second, it would only be costing me $7 instead of $15 or so as before. Third, it would a "pot luck" and there will be all that yummy food to day dream about prior to the get-together and ponder once there and looking it over! 

       Remember about change. You can choose to be run over by it, get out of it's way, or GO WITH IT! This might be fun going with it! PS. I plan on bringing a dish of that yummy food!


       I just completed one full week of a "low carb" diet and at this point seems to be working with success. The key for me was discovering that I could enjoy a few things at night while watching TV that doesn't include the likes of ice-cream, chips, etc. A  few bread & butter pickles, a couple of sardines, or Greek olives with a couple of slices of cheese do just fine. 

       The other important factor is actually counting the grams of carbs allowed per food item, meal, and daily. And, if I am going to have something like spaghetti to just have a very small portion and increase veggies in mix along with a little sauce. Size of portions have always been another big problem with me. 

        So far I have lost between 5 and 6 pounds and know at this point that are what I call those early "easy" pounds. Hopefully, nothing comes my way to cause any added stress or anything that takes me off track! Stay tuned and I will report back in a week.


Sunday, April 16, 2017


    Ted Kooser a native of Ames, Iowa State University graduate and descendant of the Moser family of Osterdock is the former U.S. poet laureate and Presidential Professor of the University of Nebraska. He is the author of 12 books of poetry, including the Pulitzer winning "Delights & Shadows " in 2005 and his latest collection "Valentine's" in 2008.

     Kooser encourages people to write about their families and has taught memoir-writing workshops. Here are a few of his writing tips.

+ Don't think about writing a book. That's too daunting. Write scenes from memory, little vignettes that eventually can be assembled into a book. 

+ Read other memoirs because you can learn much from how other people handl it. In my class I pass out the opening paragraphs of 40 different memoirs to see how they work.

+Be economical with words. Why spend 160 pages writing what 60 pages will do? 


       Last night I prepared for the first time, a crust-less pizza from a recipe I found on It basically is a crust made from 8 oz's of cream cheese, two eggs, and quarter cup of Parmesan cheese blended with a hand mixer. Then it is spread in 9 x 13 pan and baked at 350 for 15 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes then put on favorite toppings plus sauce and cook another 10 minutes depending on amount and type of toppings. It was very delicious and will do again soon!   

Thursday, April 13, 2017


          In my latest start with a weight loss program, something finally came to me with the help of some advice from a fellow employee at the Burg Grocery. It was something quite simple, but, I had overlooked through the years of attempting to lose weight.

          She brought up the notion that I should snack on foods that I do like but that are low in grams of carbs. I really never had thought in terms of having a boiled egg, sardines, cheese, or Greek olives while watching TV in the evening which has always been my downfall.

        In never dawned on me to eat those kinds of things as a snack only the likes of ice-cream, Snicker's, or pop-corn with a little butter. Of course, I had never tried a low carb diet plan, but, only counting calories. I will let you know how my plan "pans" out in a week or two. I'm not only inspired by this revelation in snacking , but I am encouraged by a recipe for a pizza without a crust! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


         When I was a teenager, my family drove to California and went to Disneyland then to Knottsberry Farm. As a Realtor years later, I was fortunate to have been awarded with two trips--one to Hawaii and one to Jamaica. The lesson learned is always go to the less "exciting" destination first. If you don't you will or can be very disappointed!

       Those lessons were learned in the trip to the southeast with my sister Doris. We went down through southern Indiana and drove through the scenic Brown County just east of Bloomington, Indiana. From there we went on to experience the Smoky's, Blue Ridge Mountains and the unforgettable Biltmore in Ashville, North Carolina. Lesson learned. Save the best till last!


       One of my all time favorite lines from a song was back in the early 1980's from "Thriller/Michael Jackson!" It was at the end of the song when Vincent Price came on with his famous "CAN YOU DIG IT"---- and then that unforgettable laugh!

       The line I heard today made me laugh and was the best I have heard in a long long time. I helped a lady out with her groceries. She opened the passenger side back door and just as cool as a cucumber said to me---"Can you make it happen?" After I was done laughing, I told her after working at the Burg Grocery for over five years that was the best line and one never heard from a customer while putting groceries away. 

         I have heard them all including "Throw them in there anywhere" a thousand times. But, not "Can you make it happen!" Too funny at least for me and my strange little world! Can you dig it!


      I've just started on a low carb diet plan and finally hope to change my way of thinking when it comes to eating and making changes that have been with me and have enjoyed for most of my life. Another link to better health is also kicking up my exercise program to some extent.

       One thing that has bothered me for along time is this notion that somehow you should walk or run 10,000 steps daily. Who made that proclamation? This morning I went out and swiftly walked for approx. 20-25 minutes and stepped off over 1,500 steps at least. Plus, working at a local grocery store as a carry out and who knows the amount of steps taken 7 hrs a day and 3 times a week.

        I love analogies and would compare our bodies to that of an automobile. Is there logic to going out and running our bodies(car) at full speed and around that track for 400 miles every day. I know we need to keep our car clean to avoid rust and should take it in for timely maintenance. However, it just seems to me that if we run that car(body) to fast, hard and too often, we are only going to wear it out sooner. Maybe maintaining a healthy diet and moderate exercise is the way to go. Trying to live up to 10,000 steps daily is too difficult for most of us!     

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


      This noon I found my way into Taylor's while in Marshalltown. While there I spotted Betty Wilson of Laurel fame. She sat a few stools down and was enjoying just the maid-rite meat in a bowl.

      I mentioned to her that I was going to start a low carb diet and I had given thought to not having the bun(not good) but, decided to go all out one last time before I really get started. My- Oh- My was it extra good today for some reason even with just a glass of water and not one of those yummy malts!  

Sunday, April 9, 2017


     A few years ago, I met some friends in Grinnell, Iowa and ate at the Prairie Canary. To say the least, it was not my cup of tea. A little too fancy smancy for my taste. When you have to not only ask what a certain item on the menu is and how to pronounce it, you know you're out of your league. 

       Another good friend right here in Williamsburg is always discussing and bringing up food items like Tabbouleh, Couscous, or Quinoa. I usually just sit there with a dazed look. As far as I know these are islands in the west Pacific. Of course, someone is always telling me I need to "broaden my tastes" in food. Most people just assume since I am older that I have always just eaten "comfort food!" 

       In my heyday, I have eaten at more fancy restaurants and have eaten entrees that you can longer find on a menu! Even on my  in home dining menu list, it takes me a couple of months just to duplicate the same thing. Or, maybe no one around me has been enough of a good salesman with something unpronounceable and its make-up to convince me on something new! Don't count me out entirely!



       I felt like a real traitor. Friday night the Williamsburg firemen had their annual fish fry. I tried it once and didn't care for their batter. However, this past Wednesday, a customer gave me a great tip on where to eat on Friday night. 

       He was very convincing when he told me about the "All you can eat Walleye" at the Lincoln Cafe in Belle Plaine, Iowa. I have eaten there several times and they have great comfort food any night of the week.

        Come to find out when arriving, they have Walleye EVERY Friday night, not just during Lent. I could have been eating Walleye even back in January. Oh well! It's always good to pass along a great Dining Tip! And, it was all you could for $10. The whole meal was out-standing  including the dish of strawberry ice-cream. Oh by the way, you might consider going early like 5 pm! 

Saturday, April 8, 2017


       The other day and after returning from our trip to the southeast with my sister, Doris, she brought up the fact we hadn't driven into South Carolina as we were very close. I had originally thought it would be cool to drive just into the state just to say we had been there. Frankly, I have never been there.

         Despite the fact we traveled through eight states-- Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio, there will always be the question of why we didn't go there. It was my responsibility in planning out the routing of the trip, but, for some reason I really didn't give it a thought once we were on the road.

         The positive way at looking at a situation like this is simply in the big scheme of things so what! I have traveled through all states except three or four. It's many more than most Americans have been to, so be grateful for all you have had the pleasure of visiting!

Thursday, April 6, 2017


     A friend came into the Burg Grocery yesterday and was eyeing the cookie and cracker` section. I mentioned that the Oreo Cookies were on sale and encouraged him to buy a package and I would then bring some` milk over later to his house so we could "dunk" a few!

     He shot right back that he was thinking about getting some gram crackers and smearing on some vanilla frosting like his mother used to do. We both agreed that was one of our favorite "munchie" memories and chocolate frosting wasn't bad either!!!


        Does anyone remember turnstiles in grocery stores or any retail stores of old in the Marshalltown area? My sister mentioned that the Piggly Wiggly grocery store had one on west Main Street many, many years ago!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


       Through the years I have seen my share of large homes. I grew up in one, sold real estate for years, and had seen large homes in traveling. But, I had heard from a close friend and my younger sister that the Biltmore in Ashville, north Carolina was definitely worth seeing. 

        Many years ago, I had the` opportunity to go through the huge mansions lined along the Atlantic ocean in Newport, Rhode Island. I didn't tour any of those magnificent homes and always regretted it. Traveling to the Ashville area,I would not miss another opportunity. 

        Sometimes we see or experience things that do not match or come up to our expectations. Not the Biltmore-the largest private home in America. It went way beyond anything I could imagine. If you are ever close to this area do not miss it. It has to be put right up there with the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls. A truly American icon.

         Most of the information on this American Treasure can be found on line and I am not going to ramble on with all it's stats. But, to visit this site that was built by George Vanderbilt, the youngest son of Cornelius Vanderbilt, in the late 1890's is a must. This four story, 135,000 sq. ft. of living space, mansion sets on 8,000 acres of scenic and rolling land-- 250 rooms, 33 bedrooms, 43 baths, and 65 fireplaces. Originally the setting included over 125,000 acres but much was sold to the Federal government for added National forest.

         The decorating, and furnishings alone were hard to fathom. The main Banquet Hall for formal dining was over 3,000 sq. ft. could seat 65 people and the ceiling was over 70 feet. It is still owned by the Vanderbilt family and yes it is still the largest private home in this country. No longer will I be impressed by some movie stars luxury home! Again, if you get the chance don't miss it! 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


        The last week in March to travel to the southeast may have been a little pre-mature for "greening up" but, other beauty came to light. Most of the early flowers and flowering trees were out in full glory---Crocus, Tulips, Daffodil, Dogwood, Crabapple, Cherry, and Magnolia.

     The leaves on most of the native trees had not come out at the time, but, the red buds had and featured a certain beauty while viewing massive forest areas on mountain sides, especially in the sunlight. The other thing I immensely enjoyed was being able to see easily through those trees(without being blocked by leaves) and seeing the forest floors and all that was in there. A lot is missed when all you can view is just "green!" 

        One thing realized is that there is always beauty no matter what time of year or season. We would all agree that this area is without a doubt magnificent in the fall, but I am grateful to have experienced all its early spring glory! 


        Not too long ago, I wrote about the kitchen where I grew up. Sammy Wilson, a Laurel  classmate and close friend of my sister, Doris, commented about the story. She remembered coming to our home and enjoying the pork chops my mother made. 

        The method of cooking those pork chops was brought to light by my sister Doris on our trip to the southeast. Last night I decided to give the method a try. First, I took a couple of boneless pork chops and rolled them in "Kentucky Kernel" seasoned flour and browned them in mom's old 12 inch cast iron skillet. 

Then after browning, I turned the heat down to medium low, added a glass of water, and covered the skillet and let it simmer for 45 minutes or so. They turned out so tender! I had never tried cooking Chops that way and didn't realize that was the secret to tender chops. Through the years, I always cooked them on the grill like most meats. That's what guys do! You're never too old to learn! 



      Originally this trip was only planned for driving to Memphis and experiencing Beale Street and all it has to offer in terms of restaurants and entertainment. Then somewhere along the way, I thought of my sister Doris and how, through the years, she talked about her love of the Appalachian mountains--The Smoky's and the Blue Ridge in particular. 

         The "light bulb" finally came on and it only made sense to head to the Smoky's- and more- and include my sister. Beale Street could wait for another day. Those mountains did not disappoint. Especially the`afternoon when we drove straight through the Smoky National Park just south of Gatlinburg on Federal 441. That drive and scenic views will never be forgotten. And, I will admit that some of the mountain streams that we viewed matched their Rocky Mountain counterparts.

        I have always been partial to the Rocky Mountains, but, I truly loved my experience in this area. Maybe, we shouldn't always be trying to compare whatever the subject, but, just enjoy the experience for what it offers.This is such a beautiful country!    


      I'm sure that I am not the only one that wakes up the day after a vacation or event that was long awaited and realize- POOF- it's all over! That happened to me today after experiencing a great vacation trip with my big sister Doris Yvonne. 

        It always amazes me that you plan something months in advance with detail making lists upon lists so you don't overlook anything and the next thing you know "it's all over!" Why is it that somehow you think that THE week will last for ever. To make matters worse, as one gets older it seems that precious time goes by with lightning  speed. 

         I guess all one can do, and I have always maintained this philosophy,  is just keep going and plan trips, events or whatever and keep looking forward to them. And, when they are over cherish those good memories for all the days ahead. A sunny day soon can't hurt either! 

Monday, April 3, 2017


       My biggest disappointment on the trip with my sister Doris to the Smoky Mountain region was driving through Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I am not sure what I actually expected but, not the amount of people walking along the main thoroughfare.

        Every imaginable type of retail outlet expected in a destination area. Everything from fudge shops to a house of mirrors and so many motels and hotels you wouldn't know where to begin. For an off season time, it was over run with families and young kids who obviously were there for Spring Break! I couldn't get out of there fast enough. If only I was 30 or 40 years younger--maybe!

        I think it was a lucky break that the highway or street was jammed up going toward Dollywood and all that surrounds it. Something tells me I would have been further disappointed. 
Thankfully the entrance to the Smoky Mountain National Park was just on the edge of town and we escaped to absolute peace and beauty within minutes. Stay tuned for an expectation that did not disappoint.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


We left from Williamsburg on Sunday morning, March 26, 2017 and headed east on I-80 and connected with I-74 for the journey through Illinois and  down to Indianapolis, Indiana. From there we caught Indiana state highway 37 to scenic Brown County just east of Bloomington, Indiana. 

        From there it was once again catching I-65, through Loiusville, Kentucky, down to Glasgow, Kentucky and continuing east on the Cumberland Parkway and then over to the Cumberland Pass area. From there we made it down and the over to Tennessee state #70  and catching state # 321 to Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

       From Gatlinburg, we cut straight through the Smoky Mountains south into North Carolina and headed to Ashville, North Carolina and the Biltmore(Vanderbilt) Mansion. From Ashville the Blue Ridge Parkway was traveled  for a distance and exited around Burnsville, North Carolina. Then over and up to  Interstate 26 and then catching I-81 north through Virginia.

       Headed back home, I-77 was caught and up through West Virginia and the West Virginia Parkway. We connected with I-70 in Ohio and then it was west bound through Columbus, Ohio and on to Inianapolis, Indiana. Making a full circle to Indianapolis, it was up to my sister Deborah's home near Crown Point, Indiana for a two day visit. Doris and Dennis were headed back to Iowa on Saturday, April, 1, 2017. A very enjoyable and scenic 2,500 mile journey.