Friday, June 19, 2015


       This past week at the Burg Grocery, a nasty note was put up for employees in the lounge area pertaining to the Fourth of July Holiday. It pretty much stated in a stern way that not everyone could take the day off and that "this is a place of business" and so on. It further stated that fireworks didn't start until late in the evening.

      That just brings to mind that it is too bad that on some significant holidays, such as the Fourth of July, we can't shut down commerce for the day or, at least  in the case of a grocery store, keep the hours to noon or one o'clock. If you haven't bought or made your last minute "stuff" by then well you will survive without it! But,  I know. If you don't like change just get out of the way, right? It still feels good to grumble about it a little once in a while! 

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