Friday, June 19, 2015


       We all like to set goals for ourselves on occasion. Mine was quite simple starting out. At the first of the year, my goal was to lose 20 pounds by the time the Laurel School Reunion rolled around. Call it vanity call it what you want, it would be something to, hopefully, make me feel better.

       I came close. The day before the reunion, I weighed in and was exactly one pound from my goal. No problem. But, for some reason that nasty last pound did not go away.

       Actually right this moment, I am sitting at 2 pounds over. But, I am not giving up. My next goal is to lose that next 10 pounds by the time the first Iowa Hawkeye football game day. Well, maybe 5 pounds. That's not too far off, but, I have to  keep trying.

       One good thing that has happened, over the last six months, is I have developed some new habits. No more heavy snacks after supper or during the evening before going to bed. Hardly ever if ever anything during the morning hours or in the afternoon. Smaller portions, more fruits and vegetables with very little bread with most evening meals. Zero sodas and yes lots of water  through out the day. Lastly, picking up the pace on exercising. Longer power walks in the morning along with additional leg and arm lifts.

       Don't think I have gone totally mad, as I still reward myself with fun comfort food meals that I love along the way just a little less of it at a setting. My next big goal is to be able to get a little praise from my doctor on my next check-up in October and get off the obesity classification and off the cholesterol meds. It would be nice to only be taking a vitamin and baby aspirin tablet a day.

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