Thursday, June 4, 2015


            The other day, I cut out a recipe for a Rueben Casserole. I have mixed feelings about trying it as I all ready like a Reuben sandwich so why try something that you already like, but, in a different package.

      I like pizza and I like taco's, but, not taco pizza's. I love a hot dog and love chili, but, not a chili dog. You get the picture. But, for some reason I like cake and ice-cream.

     Most foods in my life that I have learned to like have come with somewhat force. Learned to like  Reuben sandwich because when I was young man  and visiting friends in New Jersey, they took me to Reuben's Restaurant in New York City and of course had to try the featured sandwich. Same goes for a hotdog with sauerkraut. This was also in New York City. Same trip. Didn't want to tell the vendor that I didn't want the hot dog with sauerkraut. I was afraid he would get upset with me. You know those New Yorker's! I loved sauerkraut from then on.

     So, the moral is--Try it and you just might like it. You are right. Maybe I need to learn to enjoy a chili dog! 


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