Monday, June 15, 2015


      Do you remember my wonderful husband , Bill? He was always with me. It was said, at that time, that he was the most devoted PTO  member, as he never missed a meeting. He loved every minute of it. He died of a massive heart attack on August 8, 1984.
        Do you recall all the programs we prepared and put on for the ladies aid of the church and the complete Sunday services and Christmas program we did on Sundays? Today we would not be allowed to do it.
       I have to comment  about the wonderful discipline we had. Wherever I would walk, everyone was under control. Students were there to study and learn. They enjoyed themselves, but, they knew how to behave and to respect others.
       It was so quiet in study halls. I can recall that if I saw two students whispering, I would slip up to them and whisper to them to refrain from their conversation.
      I was teaching at Lamoille when the Laurel School Board sent the superintendent to Lamoille to ask me to return to Laurel to be principal and return discipline.
      I told the board that if they would get Alvin Clark to come as principal and I would come as a guidance  counselor, we would straighten out the discipline. They hired us both and we went to work. The first thing we did was to establish a dress code. No more slacks on the girls. The girls weren't too happy, but, the boys said they liked seeing the girls in dresses. Once again Laurel became a model school!
       Once in a while I'd have to talk with one of the boys about improving his grades. One in particular was Bill Brown. I'd have to talk to him regularly to keep him going. I used to tell him that he should make a good record as he might want to go to college when he graduates. He said he wasn't going to college. But, I didn't give up on him. Sure enough, he entered Drake University. He said he never would have made it if I hadn't hounded him.
       I could go on and on. There are so many nice memories. Perhaps you, too, can remember many incidents. In fact I would appreciate hearing about them by writing to me, also, telling me about yourself and your family. My address is: 121 DeWitt Way, Ureka, California 96097.
       I cannot close without  complimenting the wonderful teachers I worked with at Laurel. I praise them for their dedication to children. The happiest years of my life were spent at Laurel.
      Thank you for inviting me and for listening to me reminisce.
       May God bless you and keep you in good health and happy!

                                                                                                            Fondly, Carol B

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