Tuesday, June 9, 2015


       Day 2, Saturday, June 6, 2015, started with checking out of the Quality Inn on the west edge of Manitowoc. Late morning we proceeded over to the lakefront area to await the arrival of the S.S. Badger at 900 South Lakeview Dr. We would be able to board by 1pm with a 2pm departure.

     Before boarding, we walked through a famer's market that was set up in the lakefront area and enjoyed the bright cool sunny day. By 1 pm, we were boarding and the ship's crew had put our car on board. I couldn't wait.

      The cruise would take approximately four hours to sail over to Ludington, Michigan with the ship sailing around 30 mph. The ship was built in 1951 and is the last ship of its kind to burn coal and steam driven. It was built originally to haul train cars across the lake and was also built as an ice-breaker. Six times around the upper deck is one mile. It was quite the experience and am glad that it was on my bucket list.



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