Monday, June 22, 2015


      So it was Father's Day! I first had thought about fixing a big old slab of ribs and all the trimmings, but, I still am trying to watch my weight. Actually, the goal is still to lose another 5-10 pounds by this fall. The ribs can wait till the Fourth!

       So, I hedged my bet, since I like to say that I hedged! I decided to prepare a spinach quiche for brunch. Later in the afternoon, we attended a softball game for our grand-daughter and opted for just a huge bag of popcorn for only 50 cents. Such a deal! But, when we got home I stopped by the Burg Grocery and picked up a box of three Dove Bars! If you have never treated yourself to one of these delights, you haven't lived. Yes, I did eat the third one just a little after midnight!

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