Tuesday, June 2, 2015


     Recently, someone posted on Facebook the states they have traveled to and the ones remaining. Sometimes I am envious when I see someone that is vacationing in some exotic island or in the winter a warm southern state on Facebook.

     I have a niece that is currently taking a cruise in Alaska and a nephew that somewhat because of his career has traveled to many areas in Europe and right here in the USA. The grass is always greener as they say and yet I have traveled to all states in the Union except Alaska and the Carolinas. Oh, sorry! Also, North Dakota. Have been to the Caribbean a few times, Mexico and Canada. I really can't complain! And, hopefully I am not done yet.

      But, just about the time you are feeling sorry for yourself and are thinking you have missed out think again. I ran into a fellow at the Burg Grocery recently that in his lifetime has only traveled out of the state of Iowa once. That was to visit an aunt in South Dakota. It was a four hour journey to his destination! He has never been back or anywhere else out of state for that matter.  Or, what you don't know won't hurt you!

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