Tuesday, June 30, 2015


      One thing about getting or being old is that I have seen and lived through too many elections and have listened to so many presidential hopefuls and all their B.S. This year we have many more than normal to tolerate for the next year or so.

     After the historic gay marriage decision by the Supreme Court, it was interesting to view the various responses by some of the presidential hopefuls. One that stuck out was from Scott Walker, the Governor of Wisconsin. I have always thought he would make a good candidate with the way he handled the labor situation in Wisconsin some time ago.

    But, when he called for a Constitutional Amendment because he didn't agree with the decision, he fell from my graces. Even Jan Mickelson, a conservative radio talk show host on WHO, thought Walker was dreaming. Do you know how difficult it is to amend the Constitution? It takes two thirds vote of Congress and then three fourths ratification by the states. What are those odds?

      Just like Dizzy Dean, one time baseball commentator and  pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, once said about a batter's chance while arguing with an umpire. "He has two chances- SLIM AND NONE!"

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