Wednesday, June 24, 2015


       I get real tired of seeing garbage on Facebook making it seem like a crime to  be employed as one making hamburgers. And, that if one wants to make more money they need to find a better job or get more education.

      Maybe that person enjoys the job! Maybe that is his skill level? I have had some burger orders come back all wrong! How tough can it be to prepare a burger with just mustard and onion?But, that person deserves a pay increase on occasion and probably should start out at a "minimum" higher than presently in place federally or in most states.

       In case you haven't heard, there is what is called the Peter Principle. It states that you will rise to your level of incompantacy. What about the guy working in a factory making $30.00 an hour making widgets. I don't hear too much about that. Most assume he has a union to take care of him. A lot of those people won't go any higher for all kinds of reasons.

      Most entry level jobs don't pay much and the employer knows that most of those jobs will be held by either students, the very unskilled, or like me the retiree who doesn't "need much." The employer will very seldom sit down with person on a timely basis and go over their status and see if they deserve a raise. My employer hasn't talked to me about virtually anything in three years!

       So, yes somebody needs to look out for the low end. If the government won't who will. If the low end is making $7.00 plus an hour today and the high end is making $5,000 an hour today, what will it be like in even ten years! 

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